More Modern Arnis Groups!

The problem with your quote, is that, as far as I know, unlike the guy who "originally" used that phrase, none of you folks have been known to were a feather boa...... or is there something y'all wanna tell us? :D

Slightly off topic, I'm now accepting donations to get Keil an umbrella......:rofl:
Actually, feather boa's tickle too I've heard. It's just the Nature Boys' "war hoop" I think. At least thats the way Woopass uses it ....I think. Now, maybe if it was a leather boa..................
Datu Shishir wanted me to post this.

January 12, 2002
To Datu Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance

Dear Datu Tim Hartman,

Thank for posting my letter to you and to all our brothers and sisters in Modern Arnis and the Filipino Martial Arts Community in your "Modern Arnis" Column.

I want to clarify some issues raise by the moderator. Where do I stand? And whom I give support regarding the "Modern Arnis groups in USA?

First, I want to commend you for propagating "Modern Arnis" and continuing the Legacy of Grandmaster Remy Presas. Professor Presas is my mentor, teacher and adopted father anyone that loves him and his Art I love them too. In the early 80's, he nurtured me in the art of "Modern Arnis" and the FMA. 1984 he promoted and gave me certification to 6th degree BB and "Datu". He also helps me with my "Balisong" book and tapes I produced. We traveled together and shared vision together. In the 1990, we represented America's to the first International Arnis Congress in the Philippines. He was the Chairman for Arnis Philippines International Affairs Committee. He appointed me as his Vice-Chairman (see letter in my site photo gallery). 1992-97 I was contracted by Golden Harvest to do Ninja Turtle Movie and later by Fox/Saban for the TV Series. We communicated long distance and everyone in the martial arts community. 1995 during my break I went back to the Philippines, Professor ask me to activate and re-organize "Modern Arnis" in the Philippines. He appointed me as his President. Since then, he had been back and forth Philippines working with our group there. In his last visit 1998 Modern Arnis became nation wide, he created IMAF Philippines. We are working in coordination with PIGSSAI (affiliated with Phil Tourism Authority) and supports Arnis Philippines (member Phil. Olympic Committee/ Phil. Sports Commission). When Professor is in Victoria recuperating from his operation. I was back and forth Philippines and Vancouver. I have visited him and talk to him regularly even in his last days. He had asked me how my work in the Philippines. We talk about his book we are publishing there, Our plan in Bicol farm and working with the Phil. Government to give support to Arnis in the Philippines and the world. Everytime his students visit him he calls me and get me to talk to them. He wanted me to work with Rolan Dantes and Dr. Shea. I have met with Dr. Shea he updated me of the Prof. condition and IMAF. When Prof. passed away. I have volunteered to take Prof. to his hometown in Hinigaran, Negros Occidental, Philippines. This was an honor for me and a great sacrifice. I have to break a contract with my new TV series and face a family feud. The New York terror attack did not help either. It was a miracle that Professor actually made it home to Hinigaran and I thank everyone for doing their part. Dr. Shea for assisting me financially, to Evette Wong for giving permission to have Prof. body ship to the Philippines. To Prof. brother and sisters for allowing us to bury Prof. in Hinigaran. To the First Family of Presas for doing everything they can in the Philippines and in Canada to have Prof. last wish fulfilled. To be buried in his hometown. To IMAF Phil. for securing and connecting with the local people and families. To Eng. Diaz, PIGSSAI members and Rolan Dantes for coordinating with the well wishers and government. Finally after a month of waiting and 3 funerals Prof. was given a hero's parade and burial in Hinigaran. After the burial The First Family of Presas and PIGSSAI gave tribute to the Professor. All Filipino Martial Arts Masters and students present in the tribute bowed for unity in the FMA world. The Presas children headed by Dr. Remy Presas Jr. had announced the formation of MARPPIO. PIGSSAI and ARNIS Philippines had supported this move. Not only they have the legal authority for Modern Arnis in the Philippines, but also it is a Family tradition to inherit their parent's assets. This becomes a big issue for all of us because Prof. also authorized, promoted students and left a will before his death. This problem arises in the Philippines where Prof. wife and children has the right and corporate registration for Modern Arnis and books. However, after talking to the Presas Family they have recognized IMAF PHILIPPINES. After spending time with the Prof. Presas Children, I felt sadness because they are left out in the whole organization of IMAF. I also commend them for their decision to follow their father's legacy. I felt their sincerity and gigantic work ahead of them.

In regards to IMAF USA. My professional opinion is for us to follow Prof.Presas will and wishes. I have not personally seen the Prof. will. However, in my understanding Dr. Shea is the Chairman of IMAF USA/successor and Prof. executor. Jeff Delany is his co-successor. If this is the Prof. wish we should all respect that and help them in their big job. As far as the other Modern Arnis groups and Instructors/leaders we should also support them for propagating Prof. mission and taking on the huge work Prof. has left all of us.

My role now is to continue my work with the Philippines and all other Filipino Martial arts in the different countries. I will do this under the Philippine Government body of Arnis-IAF to the different government , Filipino communities and sports institution worldwide. I know it is a gigantic job, but Prof. gave us the knowledge and the spirit lets us use it for the good of everyone.

I wish you all the success in your work. Let me know if there is anything I can assist you.

Your brother in Modern Arnis

Shishir Inocalla
VP- International Arnis Federation
Just a few quick comments on the web site
since it was requested a bit back....

design : design is a bit dark, and non-traditional. Heavilly optimized for IE, earlier versions of Netscape will encounted problems. I also encountered problems when attempting to view using the latest Mozzila build, however I believe those issues to lie with the browser, not the site. Design is good when viewed from a non-trad. design perspective.

Overall, its not bad. :) Its "Artsy" and sometimes, thats a good thing.

When t is time for Renegade to go burn in hell, I will be holding the gates open and passing out the beer on the way in. There is nothiwrong with going to hell, atleast it is warm and there is no snow.
As much as I liked to go to hell with you guys I'm sure my wife won't let me if she knows I might get into trouble.
I thought you had the map to get there. Oh well, we'll figure something out. Besides we know that you can stay behaved forever.
I would like to congratulate Datu Worder on his efforts on starting a new Modern Arnis group. It is called the WMAC World Modern Arnis Coalition.

Good Luck Kelly,

Datu Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance

Originally posted by Renegade
I would like to congratulate Datu Worder on his efforts on starting a new Modern Arnis group. It is called the WMAC World Modern Arnis Coalition.

I hadn't heard of this! Is there a web site?
Originally posted by arnisador
The Professor was clear in his will--Dr. Schea and Mr. Delaney were to succeed him, either in that order or as co-equals depending upon whom you ask.

Not being a student of the late Mr.Presas' Modern Arnis, or even a practioner of the F.M.A.. Maybe you will excuse this question. From what I have read, or thought I read. Was that Mr.Hartman
(a.k.a. Renegade) was the "new" head instructor for Modern Arnis? Apparently this is incorrect?
Salute in Christ,
Donald :asian:
A few thoughts from someone who is not a member of any of the Mordern Arnis groups. From reading the original two post from the gentelman in the Phillipians I may be reading a few things into what I saw that the rest of you may not.
First this gentelman wants to bring all of the Fillipino arts under one umbrella. I doubt this will ever happen. It's been tried befor by Geronimo when he was still studing Karate ( befor his organization made him a Grandmaster of Sikaran).
2> How many organizations, outside of the 'Modern Arnis" family, that are here in the U.S. and Canada are going to let someone in the Philippians dictate rules regulations testing and rank for them.
3> dose this mean dues testing fees etc are sent back to the "home land" like TKD groups?
I do congradulate the diffrent Modern Arnis groups and espesicialy those people on this forum for trying to open dialog with one another . this is always a positive approch. I do wish you all the best in your learning and teaching .
My comments on this thread as I have said are from an outsiders point of seeing things and not ment in any way to be anything but another way of readings parts of the posts that had not been talked about.
Hi there
It seems that people are more interested in who does what instead of what they are actually doing.
All though we are placed way up north in Wikingland, The Danish Arnis Federation can only say: JOIN, fight together, help each other, unite, or at least have a beer together (or a few and see what happens:cheers:
We hope that by joining wmaa we can be a brick to the puzzle and hopefully help out (some how)..:asian:
Keep spreading the word
Originally posted by
JOIN, fight together, help each other, unite, or at least have a beer together (or a few and see what happens:cheers:
We hope that by joining wmaa we can be a brick to the puzzle and hopefully help out (some how)..:asian:
Keep spreading the word

I got to agree on this... and say that Toby (knifeman) really is good with a knife. If you want to learn something about using a knife, he's the man.

Originally posted by donald
Originally posted by arnisador
From what I have read, or thought I read. Was that Mr.Hartman
(a.k.a. Renegade) was the "new" head instructor for Modern Arnis? Apparently this is incorrect?

It's complicated. There is no clear head of Modern Arnis right now.
Sadly, since the Grandmasters death, it sometimes seems everyone who ever met him is now starting a "Unifying" organization.

My personal opinion I will reserve, but I believe the actual list of "true" sucessors and heirs and 'unifiers' to be very short. Very short indeed.

Many of those professing to be the flag bearer have been inactive in the Modern Arnis world for quite some time, or out of touch with the Grandmaster in the year preceeding his illness.

As always, trust your instincts and train with who you believe will benifit you the best.

I agree with Knifeman... lets all have a beer together. :)
Originally posted by Dieter
there is not a website yet but a forum, similar to this one.
The adress is

Good luck to Mr. Worden and his group! I look forward to seeing an official statement of intent from the WMAC. What precisely is its purpose? I presume from comments that have been made here that they will recognize Dr. Presas as the head of Modern Arnis, not one of the MOTTs?

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