More bad news for New Jersey gun owners (the law-abiding ones)


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Looks like the group who was caught chanting "confiscate, confiscate, confiscate!" on video, is at it again:

The New Jersey Assembly's Law and Public Safety Committee was scheduled to hold a public hearing on Monday (postponed for snow) about a bill that reduces the maximum magazine capacity from 15 to 10.
Since the legislation covers both detachable and fixed magazines, it has the effect of to banning popular, low-caliber rifles.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs gave the draft legislation to top firearms experts in the country to determine what guns would fall under the expanded ban.

They discovered that the bill would affect tube-fed, semi-automatic rifles because the magazine cannot be separated from the gun.

Thus, the experts found that at least 43 common rifles would suddenly be considered a prohibited “assault firearm,” such as the .22 caliber Marlin Model 60, Remington Nylon 66 and Winchester 190.

Given the significant majority in both chambers by the anti-gun faction, and a rabidly anti-gun, weakened governor eager to please the Democratic Party, it's looking even worse for the law-abiding folks. No amnesty, no grandfathering.
NJ is poised for disaster, but worse yet is CT.

The Connecticut State Police have reportedly sent out letters to the thousands of non-registering gun owners, with at least 1 LT stating that door-to-door confiscation was possible, and that those questioning them were "Un-American".

Someone should remind the LT what happened in that region the last time a paramilitary force moved to confiscate peoples guns. I suspect that if even a small % of the estimated 100,000+ unregistered guns are turned against the would be confiscators, that it will become a very ugly, and unfortunate event, for both sides.

In response, CT residents are promising armed resistance to any attempted confiscations. The first time a SWAT team shows up, they'll most likely succeed with minimal injury to themselves. The family dog, and at least 1 family member will not survive. The next time however, there will be a few more uniformed officers names added to the ranks of the fallen. The situation will escalate, a barricade will be erected, and military level force brought to bear. Needlessly, because some fools wanted to pat themselves on the back and feel 'good'. I personally think that any politician that passes a 'feel good' law like this one, or NY's unsafe act, should be placed against a wall and executed for treason.

Bluntly put, it's getting ugly.
From all that I have seen in the last few years and the way TV exploits any gun related violence more and more governmental control is headed our way.
As for armed conflict maybe the peace rallies of old are a better way to go at first. A couple hundred people outside the white house or in frount of congress demanding their rights and that goverment stay away from gun owners might be a starting point. However if government starts invading private property and breaking down doors then we might verry fast have an armed revolt
the gun grabbers need an armed confrontation...after they failed to get what they wanted after sandy Hook, they need something to make honest gun owners look dangerous....after all, more and more people, especially women and minorities, are buying and carrying guns ...if they want to stop that trend, they need a real conflict with gun owners...
other than "if it bleeds it leads" why do you think school shootings or any shooting makes such headlines. Could it be that the more bad news about guns the more people will not object to gun regulations. If new casters put as much into stories about people helping others would we have more people helping others? If news casters did less sensationalism on the tragedies of gun violence would it stop being as big of a problem?
People need their 15 minutes of fame and if they have a disturbed mind seeing all the publicity someone else gets from shooting up some place the thought of "hey that's an idea, I'll get even that way" might just be set in their mind from seeing such stories played over and over again on the television.
Heck take some of the more famous shooting here in the USA and see how many years after they are relived on the anniversary or any time another big shooting happens.

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