MOO! Mad Cow In Alabama.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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A cow in Alabama has tested positive for mad cow disease, the Agriculture Department said Monday, confirming the third U.S. case of the brain-wasting ailment. The cow did not enter the food supply for people or animals, officials said. The animal, unable to walk, was killed by a local veterinarian and buried on the farm.

What do you all think? Time to stop eating beef?
If it comes down to it I'll just start looking at eating beef in the same way that folks look at eating puffer fish. Sure, it might kill ya but it tastes so good and it'll give you a little adrenaline rush while you're eating trying to figure out whether it's your last meal.

Seriously, though. Of all the cattle in the US and all the rules and regs in place to avoid this getting to market, I'm not really all that worried about it hitting my plate. In the long run I think there is about as much chance of me getting mad cow as there is of me getting a bad batch of anything else in the supermarket.
Look I am originally from Alabama and I can defiantly tell you all the COWS in Alabama are Mad. It is probably from COW tipping. That is the only fun we had when we were kids.


Well we all got to go some time, to beef or not to beef that is the question.
Rick Wade said:
Look I am originally from Alabama and I can defiantly tell you all the COWS in Alabama are Mad. It is probably from COW tipping. That is the only fun we had when we were kids.


Cow tipping? Gee, I'd never do such a thing.:)
Three years ago when a cow tested positive in Canada, our beef market plummeted. Beef was so cheap in the stores for a while. I remember being in Calgary a few months after that and the prices were dirt cheap. We were staying with a friend and ate like Kings. It was funny, I looked at him when we were shopping and asked if he wanted to live life on the edge and eat beef. :D
Probably best, in terms of general long term health, to keep a limited intake anyway. Not due, really, to MCD.

...not to always be the goodie-two shoe, health nut guy on here.

But, honestly, burgers and steak....Mmmm-Mmmm, D-fricken-licous!

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