White Belt
They're textbooks for students of Moo Duk Kwan Taekwondo, covering everything from dojang etiquette and tying the belt, to required poonsae through Moo Duk Kwan 3rd Dan and Kukkiwon 4th Dan. Working on another that covers one-step sparring and self-defense applications.
They're pricey, because there are something over 800 color pictures, and color printing is expensive.
Both are available through Blurb, and the second is available as an iBook. Just search for Moo Duk Kwan.
But they were never intended to be commercial. Our school isn't commercial, so why would the texts be?
The second book is available as a PDF. I give it to students on disk. If you want a copy, just contact me via private message with an email address and I'll send it along.
As for the dojo storming... My impression is that Nate is a kid (my guess would be just a few years older than your daughter) who spends too much time watching TV and has never learned to separate fact from fancy.
Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
Thanks for your PM and I would love to read your books. Question... We take Tang Soo and our patch says Moo Duk Kwan and Taekwondo... so I know that the arts are similar-ish and at least in the same federation (I believe... could be wrong, Im still in the beginning of really jumping into our art), are the forms the same from one school to the next? You mention one step sparring... is my one step sparring the same as what you would learn/teach? I always forget to ask my instructors questions like this. Does your book go over terminology? Or do you know a good site to help with terminology? Like poonsae... I dont know what that means... is that the meaning for form?
Any help you guys can throw at my daughter and I we would love it! Sorry we kind of derailed the thread a bit with some questions... we absolutely love the art form and have had so much fun this past year. Today my daughter helped teach a class at her elementary school, then we helped teach the beginner class at the dojang, and then we took our own class. Lots of learning today

Thank you for your response and anyone else. I truly do value it! And sorry again for thread derailment...