Modern Arnis?

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I think that Renegade is already doing onyos on tape................................with J.D................HAAAAA :rolleyes:

no fefe, the other place you can rip off heads and such is when the police call the fire dept. to tangle with certain people because the f.d. doesn't have to fill out all the paper work. They were restraining the person for medical treatment because the person was incapable of making the decision themselves. :D
To me I see so much Filipino flavor in the Anyos that is hard for me to see that they do not belong. I see attaching to the opponent so that we can use them as a wall and I see limb destructions in many of the forms. Do you realize all the forms have a two man set relation? Additionally without attachment and continuous adhesion you have lost control of the opponent, the Anyos are the storage area for a large majority of the technique Professor taught. Brush grab strike leads to the intercepting qualities of Wing Chun and have a dynamic relation to boxing parries, try separating the movement to respond to a quick jab cross combo, the trick is to not think of one hand attacking and just brushing into the attack, intercept with aggression and pressure. It could be brush, grab and pulling your opponent into a ridge hand, heel palm, face rake or as you pull them you cup the face, move behind them to choke or perhaps a elbow to the back of the head.

Crossada advances and attacks the second hand while sectoring with footwork to jam and control for outbalancing, most importantly stop trying to apply the movements while following the established line or direction of the form, let it become alive and think of positional control and create a wall of flesh from your initial attachment to an additional aggressor making a move on you, so much waiting for you if you have the understanding to extract the value. All empty hand anyo can be applied as weapon maneuvers as well as the stick anyo applied to the empty hand... within this visual and tactical approach the arts come alive.

Professor rarely spoke of his Aikido background, his Sombo as a young boy. Try a stick anyo with reverse grip and look for the pressure traps of Wing Chun, the small circle lock flow of Jujutsu, the throws of Aikido, the long fist pressure locks of Tai Chi or the out centering and cross cutting attachment of Silat. Try stick anyo 1 empty handed
I see tan sao, pak sao with the pak sao turning into brush grab strike just in the first 3 movements.

There is a video of Roland Dante and Datu Kelly Worden doing a long interview session speaking of a wide variety of subjects about Professor and is concluded with a cross referencing of the stick forms into solo, double, espada y dagga, staff, sword, empty hand trapping and lock flow, it was recently completed and will be available within the next two weeks.

Remember this is simply my point of view and I am not trying to step on anyoneÂ’s toes. If anything we will enlighten each other or we can simply agree to disagree.


I will keep that in mind Mao :asian:
I like to do brush, grab, strike emulating the snake adehering to the opponents limbs, attaching, keeping contact and trapping.

I do agree though!!!!!!!!! Sometimes you got to think out the box and add a little creativity to your forms........
Originally posted by no fefe
To me I see so much Filipino flavor in the Anyos that is hard for me to see that they do not belong.

It's great that you've been able to make these work for you; nonetheless, these are the Pinan/Heian kata created Anko Itosu to train Okinawan schoolchildren in karate and that were popularized by Gichin Funakoshi when he included them in what was to become Shotokan karate. I too have seen them taught with a Filipino emphasis but this is something of a stretch in my opinion. The long forward stance, the formal chambered reverse punch--the applications can be taken as a lunging throw and an armbar, respectively, giving a Modern Arnis flavor, but the fact remains that the rpactice style is still distinctly Japanese.

Professor rarely spoke of his Aikido background, his Sombo as a young boy.

Indeed, I was not aware that he had studied Sombo (by this you mean the same thing as Russian sambo I assume?). His Japanese karate and judo background, and his appreciation for Wally Jay's Small Circle JuJitsu, shine through in his art however.
Remember, we are talking bout the hand forms. The stick forms I do like. The way Remy would have me do the forms was like a karataka, not like some one who does FMA,

I would also like to point that the anyo was the thing that very little people could agree of how they were taught!
My website has anyo isa (form one) on the events page. The quality is not perfect, but we were at a demo in the pouring rain under a plastic tarp. But you should be able to see the first cane form.

As the Renegade posted the forms were taught differently, so this may not be exactly the same as some of you were taught.

Maybe if Renegade will get some forms tapes out here we can teach them a bit more uniformly.
Originally posted by DWright
Maybe if Renegade will get some forms tapes out here we can teach them a bit more uniformly.

Yes, Mr. Hartman was typically the principal anyos instructor at the camps so his method is likely the modal method.

I agree, as I believe I stated initially, that the stick anyos are better. The empty-hand anyos are also perfectly fine...karate. I respect those whoa re making it work for them but it just doesn't feel like arnis to me!
Originally posted by Bob

Earlier Mr. Rearic made mention of a picture of the Professor and Mr. Worden posing with staffs. I have seen this picture many times

I was cleaning up my den this evening and came across the "Martial Arts Presents...Filipino Martial Arts" magazine from CFW Enterprises (August 2001) and it has a picture of Mr. Worden working the staff with the Professor. Is this the picture to which you refer? There is also a sequence showing Mr. Worden using what appears to be a slightly shorter staff against Robert Koeing who has two sticks.

The article contains a comment on the datu rank that has been discussed so much here, incidentally (the author is Jim Sullivan):

"The datu rank acts as an R&D (research and development) division which must be free of the restraints and confines of rank to work properly."

The article also contains a comment on the system of Mr. Worden:
"More than just a martial artist, Worden is a master instructor and founder of his own system--Natural Spirit International. One of his greatest innovations has been the creation of the sibat or Philipino long pole and the concepts of connecting the system, where the long pole teaches the practitioner a universal system of movement that can be applied to knife, stick, and open-hand techniques."

We have heard about Mr. Worden's emphasis on connecting the systems but we have not heard much about the Natural Spirit International system that he has founded. Does it grant rank and have its own instructors?
Originally posted by arnisador

We have heard about Mr. Worden's emphasis on connecting the systems but we have not heard much about the Natural Spirit International system that he has founded. Does it grant rank and have its own instructors?

Hello Arnisador here is an answer to the above question:

Certifications available as follows Modern Arnis, Natural Spirit Concepts, Kickboxing WKA Style, Defensive Tactics, Modern Arnis/ Wortac Tactical Knife,

Other certifications are available through a number of associated Organizations directly Affiliated with Kelly S. Worden including Lucaylucay JKD/Kali-Leonard Trigg, Kajukembo-Emperado/Ron Pierce, Comtech-Jim Keating, DATA Executive Protection(ESI Based)- Bob Anderson, American Sombo- Dr. Brett Jacques and others.

In this organization these Certifications are hard to come by and well respected. I was figuring out amount hours invested to get there is comparable to (in time) to getting a college Masters degree!

Regarding Staff and the Professor

The Professor approved of the content of the Article by Jim Sullivan. There are several series of pictures exist of the Professor and Datu Worden doing staff and will be eventually shared.