Modern Arnis Seminar in Ohio


Black Belt
May 17, 2003 - Modern Arnis Seminar
Modern Arnis of Ohio will host a Modern Arnis seminar on Saturday May 17th from 12-4p.m. at the Hilliard Budo Center 3840 Lacon rd unit 4, Hilliard Ohio 43026. The seminar will be conducted by Guro Dan McConnell. The topics to be covered will be solo baston, espada y daga, knife work and empty hand. The cost is $50. in advance and $65. at the door. For furhter info. or a flyer, e- mail or call the Hilliard Budo Center at 614-771-5599. The atmosphere at these seminars is fun and informative yet relaxed. Everyone will learn something new to take home with them. We look forward to seeing you there!
Till then,
Modern Arnis of Ohio
The Modern Arnis seminar is this weekend. We will have testing on Fri. eve. and then go watch the first matrix movie at Guro Brian Johns' house. Then after the seminar on Sat. we will go see the new Matrix movie as a group. I can hardly wait! I think both will be a blast. Thanks for asking.
Best Regards,