Modern Arnis Seminar in Dallas

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I'll be teaching in Dallas in July. Here is the information.

To my fellow martial artists,

Please mark your calendar to below event. I have invited Datu Tim Hartman of “World Modern Arnis Alliance” to conduct a four seminar at the school. Please see below for more information. Flyer is posted on website at


When: July 13, 2002 (Saturday), 1 – 5PM

Where: Garland Martial Arts Center (International Arnis de Leon Federation – IADLF) headquarter

107 N. First Street, Ste., B
Garland, Texas 75040
(972) 494-1663

Seminar Fee: $60, if paid before June 22 (June 22 and after is $80), spectators $10

Notes: “Certificate of Participation” will be awarded. Arnis sticks, training knives, T-shirts,

patches can be purchased at the center. Space is limited, so please register ahead to save your spot. No video recording please.

Who can attend: Adults and teenagers. No previous martial arts training necessary.

All Martial art styles are welcome.


and Information: Please send form below with check,

payable to Garland Martial Arts center at address shown above.
Don't know yet. Hopefully I'll get some time to do some training on the side.
Due to a family emergency the Dallas seminar will be postponed until August 17th, 2002. The info is as follows.

When: August 17, 2002 (Saturday) 1 – 5PM
4 hours seminar

Where: Garland Martial Arts center
107 First Street, Ste. B
Garland, Texas 75040

Seminar Fee: $60, if paid before August 3,
(August 3 and after $80), spectators $10,
“Certificate of Participation” will be awarded

Registration and Information: Please send form with payment (check or money order) below and make payable to:
Garland Martial Arts Center
(International Arnis de Leon Federation – IADLF) headquarter
107 N. First Street, Ste. B
Garland, Texas 75040

Tel. (972) 494-1663
Mr. Hartman are you still planning to teach at the Dallas Seminar next weekend (Aug. 17)?
I'll be in Dallas this weekend. Hope to see some of our MT members there!:asian:
Just got back from Dallas. I had a blast. I got to see some old and new faces.

I'm proud to announce that GM De Leon and I will be teaching a joint seminar on March 15th in the Dallas area. More to follow, time for sleep.

Tim :asian: