Modern Arnis News!

So that's Gary Ellis, Ingmar, and Lee Wedlake. Wow. I wonder what is up?

Three Day IMAF, INC Modern Arnis Camp!!!
Raleigh, NC
March 29th - 31st, 2002

Please visit or Everyone is welcome!!! I know, its a shameless plug but this is the school where I train and study.

To redeem myself alittle, I will pass along that MARPPIO will also be hosting a seminar the first weekend of May. Please refer to their

We will be holding our yearly Christmas and New Years party on December 29th. All are invited. We will also be training on Sunday morning for the adults at no cost.

Horizon Martial Arts 252 Center Rd West Seneca, NY

December 29th Party Kids at 5pm, Adults at 7:00pm
December 30th Training 11:00am til 3:00 pm

Cost: A plate of food for the party.

Hope to see you there.

Tim Hartman
Remy A. Presas' Modern Arnis

WMAA has confirmed Dr. Gyi to be the special guest instructor at our camp May 3-5, 2002.
Originally posted by Renegade
We will be holding our yearly Christmas and New Years party on December 29th.

Hmmmmm, the last time I came to see you at Christmas you fractured one of my ribs. (Or was it the time before that?) I hope to make the May camp however.
Dr. Gyi is cool, heh, heh...:ninja:

What will Dr. Death be covering? Are you accepting input from current WMAA members, namely ME??!
Hey Icepick,
Take that ukemi you big sissy!:p Remember, it's not the fall that gets you, it's the sudden stop. Here's another one, gravity sucks.............get it? Hey, heres another one, Ukemi is for the other guy. Hey, that's right, amother one, the best techniques are passed on by the survivors. NOW TAKE THAT UKEMI! :D
Ibuprofen works good for me.
Ralsigh sounds nice. I know of at least three people who'll be coming. That is if you tell David or Roland to send flyers to Ohio!:samurai: :boing2: :uzi: :armed: :flame: :boing1: :moon: :angel:
Hey, I just noticed that I am now an ORANGE belt!! :asian:
To quote Kissass,...I mean Whoopass..............WOO!
Can ya' catch me Whoopass?:samurai:

I'm still scarred from the 1st time I saw Dr. Gyi. He put on a brief demo of "combat chokes", using one of his students who was pretty built. Poor dinner afterwards, he was sucking on ice chips because he couldn't swallow solid foods.

As a bando-kind of guy, you must have seen some devastation 1st hand. Ibuprofen, nah, I want to be put OUT before the Doctor goes to work.

BTW, I am shocked at you mooning the angel with smilies.


PS - If you got promoted, don't we all get to take a shot at you?
Well now, why, oh why would you really WANT to take a shot at me. I guess, if you must..........................:asian: :samurai: :D

Sorry, MartialTalk wouldn't allow me to attach pdf file. Please use the website that I mentioned before to get the pdf file.


Anyway pdf file type can be included for attachments?



Should work now.

Valid file types : gif jpg png txt zip bmp jpeg pdf

Max size : 100kb.

if it doesn't, PM me and i'll do some digging.


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