As part of our BB we have to come up with 5 different fight scenarios, teach them to a partner then demonstrate. They must be a logical sequence of events and we can use any technique that we know or make up. There must be a minimum of 3 attacks and defence .
By doing this our instructor gets to see how we think.
Do other systems do this?
What sort of moves would you include?
I'm doing 2 empty hand, 1 both with a Kali stick, 1 with attacker has a stick and the defender is empty hand, and 1 with attacker has a knife and the defender is empty hand.
By doing this our instructor gets to see how we think.
Do other systems do this?
What sort of moves would you include?
I'm doing 2 empty hand, 1 both with a Kali stick, 1 with attacker has a stick and the defender is empty hand, and 1 with attacker has a knife and the defender is empty hand.