Matt Bernius
These type of statements are usually a sign of ignorance as other posters have pointed out. If one is not exposed to things outside of ones immediate experience, it's difficult to form a correct opinion.
However, I think a lot of this is the fault of the CMA. CMA tend to be more closed door systems (or somewhat closed door) and in some cases a little high-faluteen'. Also, in many cases, CMA programs are not part of larger martial arts networks/associations (unlike Karate and TKD programs). So a lot of people outside of the CMA have not really seen the CMA at work. Plus, there is the entire Government Wu Shu thing which doesn't really help the effectiveness case (because it's designed not to be effective).
All this leads to that we, as CMA people, either have to resign ourselves to live with those comments or do something about it. If you're going to do something about it, remember that actions speak louder than words. I know it may seem frustrating, but at some point you expect people to take an art's claims of at face value (which I think is a big problem in CMA). For example 7sm, is anyone from your school going to enter that Tourney? That would the the best way to show those folks that you and your school are bringing something to the table.
- Matt
However, I think a lot of this is the fault of the CMA. CMA tend to be more closed door systems (or somewhat closed door) and in some cases a little high-faluteen'. Also, in many cases, CMA programs are not part of larger martial arts networks/associations (unlike Karate and TKD programs). So a lot of people outside of the CMA have not really seen the CMA at work. Plus, there is the entire Government Wu Shu thing which doesn't really help the effectiveness case (because it's designed not to be effective).
All this leads to that we, as CMA people, either have to resign ourselves to live with those comments or do something about it. If you're going to do something about it, remember that actions speak louder than words. I know it may seem frustrating, but at some point you expect people to take an art's claims of at face value (which I think is a big problem in CMA). For example 7sm, is anyone from your school going to enter that Tourney? That would the the best way to show those folks that you and your school are bringing something to the table.
- Matt