Miracle Fruit makes Sour Taste Sweet

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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(CNN) -- The small fruit has the color of a cranberry, the shape of an almond and tastes like a flavorless gummy.
But after chewing the fruit and rubbing the pulp against the tongue, the berry, known by a promising name -- "miracle fruit" or Synsepalum dulcificum -- releases a sweetening potency that alters the taste buds.
For about 15 to 30 minutes, everything sour is sweet.
Lemons lose their zing and taste like candy. Oranges become sickeningly sweet. Hot sauce that usually burns the tongue tastes like honey barbecue sauce that scorches as it trickles down the throat.


Interesting. Wonder what it would do to my ex's cooking? :D
Interesting. Wonder what it would do to my ex's cooking? :D

There's an old saying from the production business Bob - "You can't polish a turd" :D
I saw this on 'The Graham Norton Show' on BBC America a few months ago, and it was pretty interesting. A guy from the audience chewed up a few and then managed to drink a whole glass of vinegar, without much bother at all.
I saw this on 'The Graham Norton Show' on BBC America a few months ago, and it was pretty interesting. A guy from the audience chewed up a few and then managed to drink a whole glass of vinegar, without much bother at all.

The advantage being...?
There's an old saying from the production business Bob - "You can't polish a turd" :D
Enough lacquer, you can polish anything.

Come to think about it, lacquer would taste better than what she burned... :)
The advantage being...?

To the audience, it was very funny. To the show's producers, it was great live TV. To me, I thought it was interesting. In a real world context, I couldn't say. Certainly though, something doesn't need to produce 'advantage' to make for entertaining television.
I've had the fruit before, but I'm waiting for an order for the tablets for a few cocktail ideas I've been having.

Originally, I went to a party and paid waaay too much for a single berry, and sampled:

dark chocolate
orange juice
pound cake
assorted nuts, berries, and candies

It was a fun experience. The dark chocolate was very sweet, and the pickles tasted like candy. All the normally sweet stuff was SUPER sweet and kind of annoying. The pound cake (I suspect) soaked up the berry residue and tasted like a block of sugar. The port tasted like alcoholic Kool-Aid, while the white wine just weirded me out. I should have sampled the Guinness, but ran out of the magic.

I want to incorporate using one of the tablets with a Bloody Mary, or any other savory drink. Chicken noodle soup?
This was used as a storyline for CSI New York, a woman was murdered by given acid to drink only having eaten the berries beforehand she didn't know it was acid and drank it happily. All her insides were melted, lovely!
The advantage being...?

To drinking Vinegar? Prolly none, but they are hoping to use the Berries to make Chemo patients willing to eat again. The article mentions that most stop eating because all thier food starts to taste bitter and metalic...