Mikhail Ryubko

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As for why the soviet and russian army insisting on knife and shovel throwing skills for their spetsnaz troops - apparently throwing can result in deeper penetration - if done right, therefor, a faster silent kill.

In systema, you never rely on any one thing.
Thank yo very much! That was a very good explaination of psychic energy in systema!

So, what's the secret of pushing buttons? (LOL) :D

I thought that was a pretty good explanation jellyman, especially the "pulling strings" part. That's about what it feels like when Vlad makes you do something you didn't plan on when attacking him.


Originally posted by PAUL
Your playing with the other persons senses and perceptions.

One day a new guy came to class. He was pretty big and claimed to have been a shootfighter in Japan. Vlad paired him up with me and the guy looked fairly disappointed. We started a excercise where we just evade. No counter, no attack, just evade.

Everytime the guy reached back his arm to punch I moved. Not far, but far enough so that he knew that no matter how he threw that punch it would not and never would connect. So he would stop and not throw the punch. He would move and try to position himself again so that he could throw a punch that would connect. After a while I found I could MAKE him lose his commitment to his punch/action by moving myself slightly.

So there you have little ole me, arms crossed and moving slightly and forcing this guy to stop his punch. I was making him stop his punch but really I was just using his own mind to stop him from throwing it. All the time I was just staring at him. He knew he couldn't get me and was feeling frustrated and actually out and out asked me how I was controlling him.

Vlad came over and helped him a bit and you could see the lightbulb go off in his head. He suddenly understood what I had been doing to him. I had controlled this guy without touching him. Was it psychic? I don't know. Was it working? Yes.

Systema starts from far earlier than most arts in the conflict and ends far later. Which is one of the reasons why I see it as a more complete art than many.
But not under your own name though eh?

That was a EXCELLENT :shrug: attempt at trying to make me feel bad :( . GOU RONIN. You should have been a psychologist. ;)
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
That was a EXCELLENT attempt at trying to make me feel bad. GOU RONIN. You should have been a psychologist.

I should have been something eh?

Psychologists work from a wellness model and seek to change behavior through therapy and work initially.

Psychiatrists work from an illness model and start with medication.

I'll have to think about it for a bit but I'm going to take this as a compliment.

Thank you.

I also hope you found the answers you are looking for.
While it would be nice if everybody used there real names on web boards, I must admit there are some legitimate reasons not to. I know on our RMA board there are professionals who have to keep their identity secret. I also encourage the underage people to use pseudonyms for safety sake. And unfortunately the martial art world can be fairly petty... requireing those in search of more information and new ways to hide their identity, less they be kicked out of their present organization.

Probably a shocking post coming from me... but heck I got a good endorphin buzz from class:-)

I know that for my job I have regulations regarding my identity.

I can tell you what I do(Financial Consultant), but only broadly. I can't tell you my company name however, or provide any advise online.

I use my real name, though.

It's just one of those deals.... :cool:
Alas, I got in Saturday the 8th but had to work Sunday the 9th and couldn't make the seminar!

Too bad arnisador, it was my first Vladimir seminar but the people I went with have been to plenty and said it was one of the best they had been to.


Originally posted by Arthur
While it would be nice if everybody used there real names on web boards

I refer to using a second account on this board to ask question someone might not normally ask with their primary account.
Originally posted by GouRonin
I refer to using a second account on this board to ask question someone might not normally ask with their primary account.

Having multiple accounts is against MartialTalk policies but of course is not always easy to detect.

-MT Admin-
I refer to using a second account on this board to ask question someone might not normally ask with their primary account.

Ahh! So your talking about people trying to misrepresent the truth a little perhaps. Damn shame when that happens.

I refer to using a second account on this board to ask question someone might not normally ask with their primary account

huh..... Oh you think I have 2 accounts. Sorry, you've got the wrong guy then. Maybe you should refocus your psychic energy and keep looking. :shrug:
Please refrain from acting so smug about something you have no clue about and have no desire to learn about. Some people get it and some don't, your in the latter catagory. There's nothing wrong with that either, you just keep on training in what makes you happy and we'll train in what makes us happy, enough said.



Email Kenny Gonzalez at progressive combat concepts and talk to him. Kenny is, I think, a 5th Black in AKKI Kenpo. He went to 1 seminar with Vladimir and is now having Vladimir teach at his school next weekend. Ron Boswell of the AKKI will be there also so you can get opinions from people with your same background. (by the way I have done Kenpo for 18 years and seen what all the top guys do so I have a basis for comparison)
Good luck!