Mid-West WMAA Fall Camp ( Detroit Mi. Area )

Just to update...we got some more pre-registers for those who value the discount.

Also..I talked briefly with GM Journalas, and he informed me that on top of double stick and pure modern arnis stuff, he will also address some FMA techniques with a rope. This should be very interesting and exciting!
Originally posted by PAUL
Just to update...we got some more pre-registers for those who value the discount.

Also..I talked briefly with GM Journalas, and he informed me that on top of double stick and pure modern arnis stuff, he will also address some FMA techniques with a rope. This should be very interesting and exciting!

GM Bong Jornalis gave a demonstration of this and even tried to work with me so I could learn. He is very patient and kind, and has lots of talent and skill. Come check him and the rest of us out.

As the date gets closer and closer...I get more and more excited!

Hearing about the wonderful Deleware event makes me even more excited about our 1st Michigan Camp. We have so many Modern Arnis Players in Michigan, as well as Ohio, Indiana, Illinios, and Canada who have planned to join us, making for a great time!

I hope that you all will not miss this event!

I just hosted the WMAA Camp in Delaware and was with Datu Tim, GM Bong Jornales and Guro Rich Parsons. These guys were just great. Not only their teaching ability and knowledge but they also enjoy being with the people and having fun and enjoying the whole camp experience.
If you can make it to Paul's Camp, you won't be disapointed. These guys have excellent stuff and are a pleasure to be around.
It's worth the trip.


If you guys watch carefully, you'll see a banner for the camp that Kaith so nicely put up for us (on the upper right hand of the screen when you going from page to page).

See....YOU KNOW this camp is gonna be sweet when we have a cool banner up for it here on MT! :D
How do MAO and Whoopass do it?

oh Yeah!


Now I got it ;)
it looks like i am going to have to work this weekend I am realy bummed out but I need the money for supergrands I will keep you guys informed
Originally posted by Renegade
I'm leaving a couple hours. See you all soon.

Thanks For the Warning, I will turn out the lights and lock the doors ;) :D
Got back a little while ago, and all I can say was, it was a blast.

There was some damn good stuff shared there by all the instructors. We got a ton of pics and video clips, and there will be some site updates shortly with the best of the stuff. I'm gonna let some folks with better memories than me describe what was taught as my notes are somewhere in my bag at the moment. heh.

in summary, Datu Hartman, GM Jornales and Guro Parsons did excellent sessions covering open hand, knife, stick, long blade (sword/machette), rope and more.

Tradition was again upheld as Rich Parsona and I spent some time doing some intense stick sparring, this year we were joined by TallAdam85 in an incredible 3 way dance on Saturday night.

I also had the pleasure of doing some full contact rattan sparring with GM Jornales. There will be a bit more on that later...all I can say is theres a big difference between the padded stick and raw rattan....to quote the late great Road Warrior Hawk, "Oh what a rush!"

I met some great folks this past weekend and definately look forward to seing everyone again.

I'd also like to send a personal thank you to Rich for his hospitality, and to Bryson Ingram and James Vail for their help with a video demo..it'll be up soon! :) Last, but not least, I'd like to thank Paul Janulis for hosting the camp.

Not a bad start to things...am definately looking forward to next years camp.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

I also had the pleasure of doing some full contact rattan sparring with GM Jornales.

That sound's like pain land...... Ouch!
I hope I can see the video from the full contact sparring ;) and learn from what I see of how I was moving.

I enjoyed teaching at this Camp, and I hope to have the oppurtunity to teach at camps like this one and the Delaware one, hosted by Chad and Sal :D.

As I just got home from a long day and should be in bed for an early day tomorrow, I will slip out for now.


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