Ending the year on a high note

J. Pickard

Brown Belt
How many of you network with other martial artists in person? Do you encourage cross training and for your students to explore on their own in addition to training in your class? when I started a nearly a quarter century ago, I was lucky enough to have instructors that encouraged learning and improvement no matter where it came from but over the past 10 years I have grown more and more disheartened at how closed off the martial arts community has become. Everyone is willing to connect on forums and online but when I try to encourage my own students to cross train or invite other schools to train with us they get angry. The mind set very much is that each school is a closed of club and if anyone considered working with a neighboring school of any kind then you would be shunned.

Fast forward to the first of December and I had a student meet a friend of mine that is a Uechi Ryu sensei. They got to talking and my student was interested in seeing how a different system, like Uechi, could help her improve her own art and suggest that we organize a massive joint workout/ workshop with other schools in the area. I was hesitant to do this, we have tried in the past and tried to do just this last year as a sort of way to come back after covid and encourage students to return. Not only did every school turn us down, two of them were genuinely upset that I contacted them. But in the spirit of perseverance I decided to try and organize such a workout and I am happy to say that we have FIVE guest schools coming to our dojang representing 6 systems to participate with us in a full day long cross training event!!! We are a TKD (unaffiliated Kukkiwon system) school and will be hosting, Taekwon-do, Shorin Ryu, Uechi Ryu, Boxing, BJJ, and Judo. In addition to the Five guest schools that will be leading a portion of the workshop we have participants from two other schools that are just coming to participate. My faith in the community has been restored! I just wanted to share this surprisingly positive experience with everyone.
I don't know if this is necessarily ending the year on a high note, but I have to say I've been very happy with my recent transition to a new school and a new art.

My BJJ professor reminds me of my former TKD master in many of the ways in which I enjoyed my TKD experience. He strikes a good balance of pushing you to improve and encouraging your progress. He has a very similar approach to kids classes and tournaments, in that his goal is for kids to have fun and continue coming than anything else.

However, he also does not remind me of my TKD master, in the ways in which my TKD master frustrated me. This isn't anything really to do with martial arts, but just how easy he is to talk to. My TKD master would put up a bit of a wall. Part of it I think is just him being introverted. Part of it may have been a bit of an age and culture gap (he's ~20 years my senior). And part of it I think was intentional, that he wanted to keep students at arms' length because he thought it more appropriate for the master/student relationship. However, my BJJ professor is much closer to my age, and is much easier to talk to. He's even said his favorite part is hanging out after class.

Now, I'm sure at some point he'll do some things that frustrate me. Everyone gets frustrated by everyone at some point. But at least for now, I've got nothing but happiness whenever I go to class. In fact, this year actually ends on a low note, because we only have 3 days of class this week.
In the past 5 months, I walk on the beach 3 miles daily. the first 1 and 1/2 mile on the way over, I like to drill my 12 leg skills 20 times each (12 x 20 = 240) such as: sweep, cut, sickle hook, inner hook, outer hook, scoop, leg lift, leg spring, leg break, leg block, leg twist, hip throw. This way I can remain my balance and flexibility. The 1 and 1/2 mile on the way back, I will drill 4 of my self-created forms 5 times each (4 x 5 x 40 = 800 moves). It takes me about 1 hour and 50 minutes totally.

Including weight training and punching bag work out, I find this is the best self-training for my current age. After I have done this for the past 5 months, I feel that I always have a lot of energy and never feel tired. So I know this training can give me great benefit.

2022 is the best year for me. I finally find out something that I truly love to do. Everyday when I wake up, I'm always looking forward to repeat the same routine again. That's a good sign. Of course, the beautiful beach scenery can add more fun into my daily training.

spanish first names female
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High note:
I have an amazing wife, 3 great children, 6 grandchildren that are following suit and a cool Rhodesian Ridgeback that loves to chase coyotes out of my neighborhood.

We go to a good church, that stays true to Gods word. Focusing on the grace that Jesus supplies us and to love one another as ourselves.

I’m 67. On Monday, played 2 hours of singles tennis in the morning with my son, practiced Eskrido de Alcuizar with my oldest grandson for an hour and played tennis for another 2 hours with a mixed group that night. Feel very fortunate to be able to move well at my age.

I have two students that I train out of my garage with my instructor’s blessing on Wednesdays.

Me and the misses belong to two tennis groups that play on Mondays and Fridays. We also have miles of dog friendly trails that virtually start at our neighborhood, weave through the hills and end up at Corina Del Mar beach.

Formal class starts up again Jan 8th, can’t wait! I’m an assistant instructor and senior student that really is a senior student!

We are truly blessed and don’t take it for granted. It’s our responsibility to give back and be charitable in an intelligent way.

May God richly bless you in the new year.
Great stories, all. I can't claim 2022 has been the best for me, but I'm still here. I have hopes that this year will be better than the last (Counting Crows riff).