Michelle Yeoh


Black Belt
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Had to be done, maybe not the correct place for it as she has no martial arts training at all. But apart from the obvious, a great actor.

Also, she doesnt speak mandarin and found it interesting she learnt her lines in "Crouching Tiger" phonetically. woah.

Would've been great to see her in 'The Matrix' also.

She's a wonderful performer. I really liked her opposite Jackie Chan in Supercop. Between the Bond film she did and Crouching Tiger, she's shown she has tremendous range. I believe she is a dancer, and was thus able to learn to move effectively in martial arts scenes.
Oh no a Michelle Yeoh thread someone is going to see this!!

You just opened a portal that unleashes unmeasurable powers.

May God save us all.
Aye, the 'dojo' scene in Crouching Tiger is one of my favourite parts of any martial arts film. Her ability to play to both sets of conventions in cinematic story-telling, Eastern and Western, says a lot about her talent.
Of course I hope you realize that you have effectively stop me from ever posting on MT again since I will from now on I will be stuck on this post :D





Please dont jinx it Jade, going ok so far :)
Here's a couple more for Xue,



She starting to look kinda old here, but I'm not complaining...
Speaking at the Shanghai Film Festival on Sunday, Michelle Yeoh mentioned that she will star in a new kung fu movie co-directed between John Woo and Taiwanese filmmaker Su Chao-pin (SILK).
The Chinese-language film is tentatively titled THE SWORD AND THE MARTIAL ARTS WORLD and will begin shooting in China in September.
Despite a supporting role in last year's Jet Li-Jackie Chan adventure film THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM, the 46-year-old actress has strayed from the action genre in the last few years to take on more dramatic roles. This doesn't mean Yeoh has gone soft.

Sounds great.
Resisting starting a Ziyi Zhang thread:)
Only know of her from 'Forbidden Kingdom',
you may begin this time sir :)
:eek: WHAT!!! :tantrum: BLASPHEMY!!! :angry:

What is going on here…Need I REMIND You that THIS is a MICHELLE YEOH thread and NOT to be desecrated by any others :angry: OK there are a couple more that would be allowed but you need to be watching Kung Fu movies out of Beijing to see them :D …but NOT HERE this is all about Michelle Yeoh :angry: :D


Sorry Master Xue,

Can you forgive my desecration's of the "holy" name of Michelle Yeoh :D
Domino, I wondered why you weren't performing the bong sau correctly in class last night. After looking through this thread I see that really you were mimicking putting your arm around Michelle!!! You've got it bad for her for real!