
Awesome video ...

Next weekend, my wife is having some sort of gathering of women at the house .. I'll have to find someplace to else to be. If the sun is shining, I might put some nymphs in the rivers.
Where ever you go, takes some pics and post them. Even though winter fishing is kind of slow, I love the scenery. One warm days in the winter, I sometimes head down to the Brule with some weighted nymphs in order to chase residents. One time, the snow was drifting down between the knobby bare limbs of the trees against a grey backdrop sky, it would have been the perfect black and white picture.

BTW - the fish we caught was a rainbow. It was one of two that we caught that day. Both of them came home with us for dinner. I always check the stomach contents of fish that I fillet. My daughter was really into that this year. We found that they were eating minnows!
I've got to take my wife sometime... she has never been. Parents have a pond w/ Largemouth Bass and we are not far from the beach... love some good Spot :)

Hey, if you go out, takes some pics and post them here! I love fishing for Largemouth. When I lived in central MN, I could fish them more, but now, in NE MN and NW WI, we have more smallmouth bass up here then anything else. Nothing wrong with that!
I enjoy fishing like everyone else and have even ice fished here in Michigan. (who hasn't) However I was driving to the airport the other day to pick up my in laws and as I passed a lake I saw someone squatting and ice fishing. No shanty, no chair, no nothing. I came back through five hours later and he was still there. That person is what I would call a fishaholic or fishaddicted!
I enjoy fishing like everyone else and have even ice fished here in Michigan. (who hasn't) However I was driving to the airport the other day to pick up my in laws and as I passed a lake I saw someone squatting and ice fishing. No shanty, no chair, no nothing. I came back through five hours later and he was still there. That person is what I would call a fishaholic or fishaddicted!

Nice :) The only kind of ice fishing we could do here is if you bring your own ice tea!

I'd like to try it one day... need to go a bit further north for that though!
We have been on our winter break up here and guess what I've been doing other then doing TSD? ;)

The following pics are from my successful outings! :)

The first is from yesterday. My brother and I drove out to Bayfeild, WI in order to fish on Lake Superior. The ice is good out there and the Apostle Islands usually have higher fish counts then we have here in the Duluth/Superior area. It was damn nice out yesterday. We had a southwest breeze and warm temps...it got all of the way up to 41 and I didn't even need to wear my coat!

The first pic is of Bayfeild in the winter time. It's a neat little town.
The next is of me and my set-up.
The third is of our catch that day. Yeah, we caught one splake...a hybrid between a brook and lake trout.

It's going into the pan sometime this weekend.


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I looked at the pictures first ... and wondered what I was looking at. Those are definately brook trout spots, but that tail is totally wrong. Salmon don't spot up like that ...

A Splake you say. Looks like a nice meal.

I was in Ann Arbor this week, and it was awfully warm out.

I'm chompin at the bit over here.
Today, I went out to Chequamegon Bay on Lake Superior. Ashland Wisconsin is nestled right at the bottom of the bay and Washburn is about halfway up. We tried around Washburn and didn't catch a thing. The scenery was pretty, though.

When we went to Ashland and fished shallower, we started catching. The following pics are of my fishing buddy, the smallmouth bass I caught, and the coho salmon I caught. The bass went back down the hole and the salmon is going in my stomach tomorrow night. Those darn things are the tastiest bit of meat we have around here.

Throw them on the grill with a little butter and some pepper and you've got yourself a kingly meal!


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I went out to the river this past weekend.... H2O was about 40 degrees. A bit too cold for trout.

But, I was posting some photos of my other toys on the Weapon thread. I thought I would post this toy here. Actually, this may be my retirement plan.

This is the 150th Anniversary bamboo fly rod from Orvis. They made 49 of these 'Wes Jordan Era' rods last year. Somehow, #1 out of this limited production ended up on Ebay a couple of months back. Sometimes, I have more money than brains.

I will NOT go bushwhacking in some of the backwood rivers I fish with this rod. But I do plan to fish this rod in the local Trout Only ponds.


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If I owned something like that and broke it with my typical boneheaded manuevers, I'd probably cry and need therapy afterward...Casting that one has got to be primeval.
If I owned something like that and broke it with my typical boneheaded manuevers, I'd probably cry and need therapy afterward...Casting that one has got to be primeval.

Which is exactly why it won't go up to the rivers with me. Our freestone rivers are pretty slippery, even with studded felt. I have quite a few chips in my T3 rod from slipping and falling.

So, hopefully, I'll catch a few brookies at the pond ... nice sandy bottom for wading, no current.

And in a few years, throw it back on ebay and exchange for a trip to Patagonia, or maybe a guided trip through the Boundary Waters ;)
Which is exactly why it won't go up to the rivers with me. Our freestone rivers are pretty slippery, even with studded felt. I have quite a few chips in my T3 rod from slipping and falling.

So, hopefully, I'll catch a few brookies at the pond ... nice sandy bottom for wading, no current.

And in a few years, throw it back on ebay and exchange for a trip to Patagonia, or maybe a guided trip through the Boundary Waters ;)

I have two cheap fly rods that I've been learning with for the past six years. The main river I hit is not a picnic when it comes to wading. The good thing is that when I do go swimming, I'm pretty good at NOT falling on my gear. Also, Mike, if you get out to my place, I'll bring you into the BWCA...MT special $0.00.

Of course, you might have to touch a spinning rod...
I'm on break this week, btw. Therefore you can probably expect this thread to be updated by myself sometime. The steelhead are running in the rivers and the only thing that stand in the way between me and them is the Easter Bunny.
I'm on break this week, btw. Therefore you can probably expect this thread to be updated by myself sometime. The steelhead are running in the rivers and the only thing that stand in the way between me and them is the Easter Bunny.

You are killing me here!!
Eat the offending Bunny, break out the rods and post some photos.

I'm frozen over yet, the State of Maine wouldn't know what a Steely was if it bit the Governor, and I'm a displaced Steel addict. Grew up on the Pere Marquette River in Michigan and miss the good Steel runs as well as the great King Salmon runs. Graduated HS in Sault Ste. Marie, MI and still think Lake Superior is the nicest body of water on the planet, nasty when it wants to be, but still beautiful in a deadly way (you know what I am talking about!)

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