Michael Pick Seminar in Pasadena

Ed Parker Jr.
Mr. Michael Robert Pick

In 1957 a small, hungry boy stumbled up to Ed Parker's old Kenpo Karate Studio doorsteps on Walnut Street in Pasadena, California. Unknown to the boy, while peering through the front window, was a world that he would embrace and love. Mike Pick met the man who introduced him to his destiny and what would become his life's work. Ed Parker was 26 years old in 1957. His jet-black hair, magnificent strength and speed, awe struck the little Mike. From the onset, Mike Pick felt and knew he was at home in the studio.

Come join us as we welcome Michael Robert Pick back to the home where he started his training, the home of the first American Martial Arts system, the World Famous Ed ParkerÂ’s Pasadena Kenpo Studio.

Mr. Pick will be covering defense against single and multiple attack scenarios. Also being taught are the UKF Kenpo knife principles and applications. The PTF (Pick Tactical Knife) and the principles of its design and application resulted in Tactical Knives Magazine stating “...the PTK’s success with forward-deployed operators has made it one of the most in demand knives in the Spec Ops community.”

As many of you know March 19th is a very special day. It is the birthday of Mr. Ed Parker Sr. Mr. Pick has not taught at this school in this capacity in 14 yearÂ’s. Make it a point to be there and be part of this historical event. Come join us and celebrate this special date with an awesome training experience.

Date: March 19th & 20th
Times: Friday March 19th 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday March 20th 11:00am -1:00pm (Lunch break) 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: Ed ParkerÂ’s Kenpo Studio
1705 E. Walnut St
Pasadena, CA 91107

Cost: $65.00

Call to reserve your space (626) 577-4114

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