Michael Moore to shoot Fahrenheit 911 sequel

As promised, I finally got a hold of FarenHYPE 911 and watched it tonight.

I will nutshell it for you right now.

Good point: I would recommend for those who are logical people to see the film. It isn't an entire 70 minutes of personal attacks on Moore; there is an honest attempt to refute the points Moore makes in his film. It is good to watch even if you don't agree with the points just to see what the arguements are; I would say the same about Moore's film to conservatives.

Bad point: The points were poorly refuted. There were many false arguements, half truths, and some outright lies. There were only bits and pieces that I would agree with, and most are things I would outright refute.

The problem that we with this and other political documentaries and works is what we are is a people of illogic; no different then the citizens of Rome, or the Medieval serfdom, or puritan settlers, or Nazi Germany, or Communist Russians, or Muslim extremest. Granted, the level of violence might be different from each group in history, but the level of logic among the masses is no different as I can see it. It's all the flippin' same.

As it applies to these movies; for the people who are "left," they'll watch a Moore movie and drink the cool-aid; not checking sources, and not thinking critically, and not accepting everything as truth. The people on the "right" watch it and get pissed, say it ain't so, attack Moore's character, with no attempt to check sources, think critically, or make a logical arguement as to why it isn't true. Then when a movie like "FarenHYPE," comes out, the "right" drink the cool-aid without checking sources, thinking critically, while accepting everything as true, while the "left" gets pissed, says it ain't so, and attack the characters of those in the film with no logical arguement as to why it isn't true.

Now, I am talking about the masses; many of you individuals here are very critical thinkers, so please don't take offense.

However.., I am going to start a new thread on the subject, and put a whole lot of work into doing a review on a movie, and nobody is going to change their mind anyway. Those who see either of these movies most likely have their minds made up before hitting the play button. So, basically, my review will be a big fat waste of my time. Yet, non-the-less, I am allowing myself to be sucked into doing one anyways.

This outta be a real fun :rolleyes: ... I'll post my analysis when I get the chance.


Paul Janulis
Tulisan said:
As it applies to these movies; for the people who are "left," they'll watch a Moore movie and drink the cool-aid; not checking sources, and not thinking critically, and not accepting everything as truth. The people on the "right" watch it and get pissed, say it ain't so, attack Moore's character, with no attempt to check sources, think critically, or make a logical arguement as to why it isn't true. Then when a movie like "FarenHYPE," comes out, the "right" drink the cool-aid without checking sources, thinking critically, while accepting everything as true, while the "left" gets pissed, says it ain't so, and attack the characters of those in the film with no logical arguement as to why it isn't true.
I gotta admit that I caught myself committing the same double-standard with regards to Fahrenheit 9/11, and liberal arguments in general. If I see or read something from a conservative, or at least politically conservative, perspective, I'm following reasoning, asking about sources, etc., but I tend not to be as picky when listening to a more liberal argument. Although I noticed some stretch-of-the-facts conclusions here and there, I generally bought into what Moore was saying pretty immediately. It wasn't until long afterward that I realized how uncritical I'd been in viewing the documentary.

However, I plan to redeem myself. As soon as finals are over, I'm going to sit down and watch Fahrenheit again, only this time after reviewing this email my fiance sent me which contains 59 Disputes with Moore's F911. She's a member of the Federalist Society at the law school she goes to, and that's how she got the email. We balance each other out. Anyway, I'll watch and see how many of them have merit.
I bought my copy prior to the election, but other than a few of the extras didn't watch it until this week.
My take, short version - He brings up many good points, while playing on our emotions.
- The mother who lost her son in Iraq being told it's all being staged, the twit demanding to know where her son was supposedly killed, then stating "its all al queidas fault".
- The number of scenes of a peaceful Iraq, then the bodies.

There were some funny moments, the one that stands out was the Taliban dude saying "I sympathize for your husband" or something when a woman was complaining about the burkas(?). Oh, and Bush telling Moore to get a real job was good too. :)

I personally loved Moore reading the Patriot Act to Congress, The congressman stating that they rarely do read the laws they pass, oh, and Moore trying to get a few congressmen to sign their kids up for the army. :)
RandomPhantom700 said:
Yeah, that's what I meant by the notch in his record comment. I just didn't want to outright say that he's doing it for the cash.
Why would a self proclaimed whistle blower EVER be motivated by ANYTHING other than the altruistic motive of knowing that he is doing the right and true thing.....? No NO NO! I will send all proceeds to those organizations that try to improve the living/working conditions of those poor sweat shop children that manufacture the cloths that I wear on my body as I walk around pointing my finger at the evil that other men do.....or I will keep it and stay rich.
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the condemnation of Michael Moore because he had the audacity to make money from his film. That's what he does for a living. Some of you earn money from teaching martial arts...I think that's OK, don't you? I earn money from my job too. It's hard to earn money from a documentary. It's not as if he produced Lord of the Rings.
There were some funny moments, the one that stands out was the Taliban dude saying "I sympathize for your husband" or something when a woman was complaining about the burkas(?). Oh, and Bush telling Moore to get a real job was good too. :)
Actually, those were two things that chapped my butt. But, being a woman, I'm used to my questions or opinions being brushed off - it's just aggravating to see it happen on the world stage.

And the fact that W didn't have a "real job" until his Governorship of TX... well, interesting.
Phoenix44 said:
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the condemnation of Michael Moore because he had the audacity to make money from his film. That's what he does for a living. Some of you earn money from teaching martial arts...I think that's OK, don't you? I earn money from my job too. It's hard to earn money from a documentary. It's not as if he produced Lord of the Rings.
I don't begrudge him his profits...just the hypocracy of coming off as the 'everyman exposer of the evils' while he makes his money.
I remember ... it was the clash of the titans, when Michael Moore took on Roger Smith.

Two Rich Bastards going at each other. Man, I wish they had 'Reality TV' in those days, imagine something like 'Wife Swap' where Michael Moore takes over General Motors and Roger Smith sits atop a huge film making production company.
I noticed something....

People decry Moore from making money on this film....they ignore the fact that for months prior to it's release, it was (still is) available for free on the P2P's...and that when Moore was asked about it being there he said "good, go watch it."

I don't have a problem with him making some cash.
loki09789 said:
I don't begrudge him his profits...just the hypocracy of coming off as the 'everyman exposer of the evils' while he makes his money.
You can be the "everyman exposer of the evils," if that's the way you want to put it, and still make a lot of money, and I still don't see it as hypocritical. He didn't take a vow of poverty. Rabbis make money being spiritual leaders. That doesn't make them un-spiritual, or hypocritical. Nurses make money. That doesn't mean they don't care a lot about their patients. I'm sure the guy who invented the heart-lung bypass machine made a big fortuna. Well, in our culture, for better or worse, a successful moviemaker makes more than a rabbi or a nurse. That STILL doesn't make him a hypocrite.

Hypocritical is like, if you publically badmouth drug addicts, when all the while you're secretly addicted yourself, obtaining your drugs illegally, and involving other people in your illegal activities. Or if you condemn divorce on the public airwaves when you've actually had a divorce or two yourself. You could be earning big bucks, or you could be doing it free on public access TV--doesn't matter, you're a hypocrite.

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