Michael Lok Vancouver(Richmond) Dissmissal?


White Belt
I've posted a comment on another thread, but due to no response, or more likely my impatience, I have created this thread in hopes of answering my question.
A few years ago I trained under Michael Lok for about a year then stopped due to conflicts with other sports. Recently I have been thinking about getting back into Hapkido, and was pleased when I stumbled across this website. How ever, I was not so pleased when I heard of the fate of my old training place.

Deauthorization of Lok's Hapkido Studio

The Jin Pal Hapkido Federation headed by our Chairman Grand Master Kim Jin Pal regrets to inform members that the studio namely LokÂ’s Hapkido in Richmond BC is no longer recognized as an authorized Jin Pal Hapkido Martial Arts studio effective December 16, 2005.

The federation has also rescinded Michael LokÂ’s belt rank of 6th Degree and his authority to teach Hapkido in association with the Federation. This means Michael Lok has no authority to teach the Jin Pal Hapkido curriculum. Furthermore, he and his studio is unauthorized to make reference to Grand Master Kim Jin Pal and the Jin Pal Hapkido Federation for his own benefit.

The Jin Pal Hapkido Martial Arts Federation will honor all color and black belt members who received their certificate prior to Dec 1, 2005 from LokÂ’s Hapkido.

In order to ensure we have your belt rank record on file, please email your personal contact information and a copy of your color belt certificate in jpeg format to Master Thomas Lok at mastertlok@jinpalhapkido.com for verification. The email must contain your full name, testing date, current rank, mailing address, phone number and email address. Thereafter, we will confirm your belt rank by sending a reply back to you via email.


Executives of Jin Pal Hapkido Martial Arts Federation
All I know about the matter is what this Quote states, I all I wish to know is what happened to cause such a dismissal? I'm sure that this as good as a place to ask as any.

Anyways any help would be much appreciated, from what I remember Michael was a excellent teacher.