Michael Jackson Dead at 50

I have honestly no opinion about him one way or another, I liked some of his music but it's not really my thing. However I'm rather tired of all the media attention it's attracting. We have specials about him on most channels, it's making top of the news even on our regional news! I realise it's news but do we have to have it as most of the news?
It'll faze out soon enough... just like it did with Elvis' death and other celebs who are considered "Mega-Stars"
The news is fickle... if North Korea were to attack right now then everyone would say Michael who??
Ah let us not mourn too soon, I think that Michael will be with us for a good while yet. He is pretty much non-biodegradable ;)
I have to wonder what toll all the cosmetic surgeries, skin bleaching, hypobaric chambers and God knows what else had on MJ's body and health.....
Ah let us not mourn too soon, I think that Michael will be with us for a good while yet. He is pretty much non-biodegradable ;)

I have to wonder what toll all the cosmetic surgeries, skin bleaching, hypobaric chambers and God knows what else had on MJ's body and health.....

I'm going to be looking for Elvisesque "Michael Sightings!"

Wonder if there's going to be Michael Jackson impersonators inundating Disneyland/World??
A child of four could've told you this is not the place, nor the time.
(in reference to a joke left by nelsonkari

I started a thread in the Hall of rememberance, because of all the people bashing, I felt would happen here, of the dead. Some over here can beat the crap out of this person, but the fact of the matter is, no matter what he did, or was acused of, he is dead. What ever reward or condemnation there is after life, he is totaly there. I am not advacating the man, but we are not here to bust on the dead, at least I hope not. Put your dot down, shut the ---- up, and go on.

but either way we feel that it is still disrespectful to speak ill of the dead.

but I won't say anything bad............he that dies pays all debts.

I'm sorry, I respect all of the people I have quoted here but I have to totally disagree on this issue. I personally feel that this is indeed the right place and the right time to share all of the best Jackson jokes you can muster. IMO this is a healthier and a more normal reaction than the media's hysterical reaction to this troubled mans death.

I don't know if in America you are getting the same level and TONE of news coverage where nobody is mentioning the enormous elephant in the room (this obviously being the kiddiefiddling!!) and the reams and reams of has-been celebs and those wanting their five minutes of fame coming out and blubbing about what good friends they were with Michael Jackson! This is the same media that was up until very recently enjoying their tabloid lynching antics and having great fun poking fun at the "freakshow" that was Michael Jacksons life.

You cannot blame people for reacting with humour and satire when faced with such clear and obvious hypocrisy. I live in a country where an ignorant mob had stupidly attacked a pediatrician after mistaking the words pediatrician for peadophile!! I live in a country where a woman who has the misfortune to look a little bit like, but crucially not identical to Maxine Carr (an accomplice to a child murderer) is routinely beaten up by her neighbours. Now all of a sudden everybody is ok with a major pop star that payed for the silence of children when faced with child molestation charges?!! Again the hypocrisy evident in the public reaction to this man's death is wide open for ridicule and satire.

The media saturation and this overwhelming hypocrisy is like a big balloon waiting to be popped and the average member of the public is sticking in the pin the only way that they can and that is by telling and sharing all of the peado and plastic surgery gags they can think of! This is happening in offices and pubs up and down the land and good on them I say, as it all helps to restore the balance and is downright refreshing in the face of the Sky news and BBC coverage.

Personally I find the simpering news reporting on this subject much more offensive than any joke.

Just my opinion :)
I'm going to be looking for Elvisesque "Michael Sightings!"

I imagine that unlike Elvis and Bruce Lee there isn't going to be many out there that look like him to be honest! I reckon it will be quite hard to confuse him with any average Joe in the local chip shop! If there are sightings I look forward to the wobbly camera phone footage!!

No, he is definitely dead, resting in heaven with the baby Jesus and all those Cherubs (I hope someone is keeping an eye on him!) ;)
Farrah made it to Heaven so God gave her one wish. She wished all the children on Earth would be safe

So Michael Jackson died..
Hey, did you hear about the John Kennedy Headache cure? Well, for the first part you take a drive through Dallas....

wait, a little tacky? A little insensitive. I mean he's only been dead 40+ years, surely now we can laugh? No.

Then maybe we can hold off a bit before we start posting about how Jackson's nose will out last him, how he died from choking on 10 yr old nuts, how during the autopsy they found Webster gerbiling, and so on. I'd like to fantasize that we're above such things for a little bit.
Hey, did you hear about the John Kennedy Headache cure? Well, for the first part you take a drive through Dallas....

wait, a little tacky? A little insensitive. I mean he's only been dead 40+ years, surely now we can laugh? No.

Then maybe we can hold off a bit before we start posting about how Jackson's nose will out last him, how he died from choking on 10 yr old nuts, how during the autopsy they found Webster gerbiling, and so on. I'd like to fantasize that we're above such things for a little bit.
Well if we're going to do all of THAT then lets create a thread in AfterDark or the Dead Parrot...
I mean c'mon...
Like Robin Williams said about Neverland... you must be "this" high to ride Michael!
-My girlfriend pointed out something interesting:

It took Michael Jackson's death for MTV to start playing videos again:)


He might have been a bit of a nut case, but he had talent.

Compare his live performances too any modern pop star. He is one person in a spot light, no backup singers, no back up dancers, no pyrotechnics. Just him.

Unfortunately he also was the poster-child for what can happen when child stars are pushed too hard, too early and become completely disconnected with reality.
He might have been a bit of a nut case, but he had talent.

Compare his live performances too any modern pop star. He is one person in a spot light, no backup singers, no back up dancers, no pyrotechnics. Just him.

Unfortunately he also was the poster-child for what can happen when child stars are pushed too hard, too early and become completely disconnected with reality.
Indeed the man was at the top of his game IMO with Thriller and showcased his talent on that special (I remember seeing it and going WOW on that moon walk thing... inspired by Marcel Marceau's walking against the wind)... he showed what ONE person can do without any support and got the crowds screaming and applauding crazily. It's a great talent he could have actually gotten away with all the allegations against him if he hadn't kept altering his face ... but the stranger his looks got the stronger the suspicions against him from fans and the media. Though he emphatically denied in several interviews those allegations against him (even his then wife Lisa Marie Presley supporting him)... the appearance was damning enough. If he had the company of the children's parents with them at ALL times then nobody could have said anything against him.
I love children too... dearly... but I'm very VERY careful about how I interact with them and it's ALWAYS in the presence of the parents ... I've baby sat and been careful with that as well, Michael was mistakenly relying upon his star-power and his reputation as a warm and tender human being and all of that to protect him from suspicion when he was around children.
Classic pedo-behavioral traits but we may never know for sure. He made himself vulnerable by being ALONE with the child just long enough and that idiotic admission of "nothing wrong with going to bed with children", while (in his mind) a totally innocent statement actually threw a dixie cup full of gasoline on the fire.

I can see how he would want to surround himself and try to relive the childhood he felt that he SHOULD have had, that became lost when he became a star at 6 years old (history shows that he and his brothers earned $1000.00 for doing 36 shows in one week... do the math) imagine the pressure to maintain the perfection that made him (and his brothers) a superstar... so now that he has the money, the power and the means that part of him that was still a child wanted to live out his lost childhood vicariously... but he forgot one important thing IMO... our childhood years are monitored by our adult parents... doing away with the parents was a mistake... and it cost him.
If you look at all the speculation, all the rumors, all the fear, all the hatred, all the accusations, all the jokes tossed at him, how many of us could suffer that constant barrage and not crack, not fall?
For that kind of money, I'd be laughing all the way to the bank (and not dying in debt). But it's still a fair point, and all the more so when you add on the childhood he had.
Money can only take you so far. If you're not at peace with yourself, it won't fill the gap.
Originally Posted by MA-Caver
doing away with the parents was a mistake... and it cost him.
His dad was likely a huge influence on his... well.. crazyness. No one should have to put up with that sort of abuse as a child.
True and he may have subconsciously wanted the children's parents out of the way because it was too much of a reminder of his own (undoubtedly) watchful father (in the wings while they were on stage, etc). On my tours I get dozens of children each week accompanied by their parents... I've seen how some parents couldn't smile no matter how hard you tried... so the kids are sensitive to their parent's feelings and the warnings of "behave yourself" probably while they were pulling into the parking lot. Seems to me Michael wanted the child to be relaxed and enjoy themselves without that pressure and (again) enjoying their pleasure vicariously as they have fun in that great big amusement park that is his home.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

If you look at all the speculation, all the rumors, all the fear, all the hatred, all the accusations, all the jokes tossed at him, how many of us could suffer that constant barrage and not crack, not fall?
How many of us indeed... IMO probably not a lot. That aforementioned negativity trying to be balanced with all the positive energy of his music, his performances and the HUGE success (total of 750 million albums) and the adoration of millions of fans...
Seems to me if Michael had gotten into MA he might've handled it a bit better by finding the balance that was needed in his life... Elvis did for a while but his addiction to the (prescription) drugs is what done him in. Apparently Michael who was also taking prescribed pain killers and god knows what else... succumbed to the same thing... or speculation is leading to that direction.