
This is the yoke of the one poke smoke folk.
Don't know if this one has been mentioned, but most people carry keys.

My set has a nice mini-mag flashlight on them for, um, multiple applications.

And we all got spit in our mouth....
MisterMike said:
Don't know if this one has been mentioned, but most people carry keys.

My set has a nice mini-mag flashlight on them for, um, multiple applications.

And we all got spit in our mouth....
Try this one. I was refused entry into the General Hospital because I had a fingernail clip on my key ring. Nothing that comes to a point will be allowed through metal detector checkout points any longer. But, the fancy pen-and-pencil set I had was ok. The #2 pencils were ok. The cell-phone was ok. The most abundant weapons all passed the checkpoint. Beats me.????

Learning to use them (via practice) is a must. I don't see how anyone can be elevated half way through their system without passing a test with these catagories of weapons. If that screwdriver doesn stick in the wall, no new Kyu for you.

Cigarettes cost 5 bucks a pac. I ain't throwin em at nobody!!!!! Plus, cigars cost 50 bucks a box. I'll keep puffin while we rumble!!!!!!
Maybe the nailclippers Sojobow has are not the real danger in the hospital. MAybe one look and they may decide that a ninja manicure may not be necessary.

But as Technopunk is right, the awareness is not to actually be there. One case over here happened in a nightclub in the late 80's. Same thing and it ended up in court. The magistrate ordered them to act like adults and wear sunglasses so not to look at someone elses "rhubard".

Another good thing is a kubaton. We did a small bit last night. We havethis Black American training with us and his kubaton was bigger than mine. Yeah I know, double entrande time, but he found mine that was more solid metal better to use than his lightweight one.
"No man, I am watching the game above you"
"Oh, so my woman isnt good enough to look at"
"No, man, I didnt say that, but I was just watching the game"
"Oh, so you are looking at my woman"
Man I hate that! it happens way too often. I wish people like that would get beat up. however, martial artists are better people than that guy. I would've seen the situation coming and ordered warm Sake to throw in his eyes. Osake burns!!
Well you could always turn round and say "Yeah she is nice, but you are better looking" and then wink. At least it gives them something else to moan about.:rolleyes:
Ahh metsubishi there were different types the mixtures were generally carried in a hollowed out egg covered with rice paper some metsubishi's consisted of crushed dry peppers and metal shavings but this mixture could
very often blind people which unless your a black ninjutsu sect is not always a good thing to do so there was another mixture which consisted of
salt and a numbing medical solution so the salt could scratch the eyes giving direct passage to the blood stream and would only blind the ...victim
temporarily. theres a little info for you.
chidarake said:
some metsubishi's consisted of crushed dry peppers and metal shavings but this mixture could
very often blind people which unless your a black ninjutsu sect is not always a good thing to do so there was another mixture which consisted of
salt and a numbing medical solution so the salt could scratch the eyes giving direct passage to the blood stream and would only blind the ...victim

Source and cites for this little bit of info about "black ninjutsu sects", etc? I have never heard about what you talk about in any Japanese source.

Let me guess, your source for this is your head teacher of the Konigun, who has never proven that he had a real teacher, his stuff goes against known historical facts and has served time in prison for some things which of course :rolleyes: he was framed for.
Where do all these people come from? Black ninjitsu Sects? :idunno:
thank god i have only had to use metsubishi twice in my life. one time in a training scenario. i went into a roll, grabbed a dried leaf, crushed it and came up to throw it into his face. second was with my nephews this weekend at a family reunion. i'm the young cool uncle so i played "freeze tag" with them and used a bunch of tree blossems to evade getting tagged. hee hee!:ultracool both worked well.
......Mr.Don I will not accuse you of saying any thing wrong because thats your oppinion i was merely giving information on metsubishi from my style of ninjutsu. I could care less what you say about my style which is indeed konigun how ever wether the fact i know or you know he served time in jail gives you no right to look down on him wether the information he gives us is false i could care less i take ninjutsu to learn self defense and to let my warriors spirit grow. as i had said before i was merely giving info so no hard feelings. :)
chidarake said:
wether the information he gives us is false i could care less

Some of us care very much about false information being spread, just as you just tried to do.

Your source is a convicted felon who has never shown any proof that he has had the slightest bit of training in actual ninjutsu. Wha the says sometimes goes against the known facts. In short, he is just another Frank Dux and you should not be parroting his stuff without checking to see if it yet another lie by him or not.

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