Merry Christmas

Which to you use

  • Merry Christmas

  • Happy Holidays

  • Other

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I use happy holidays to cover all the bases, but I don't get bent out of shape if someone use Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, or whatever the greeting is for Kwaanza, if someone is wishing me well I don't care how they do it.

I am the same. Holiday season should be the one time of the year that we SHOULD be able to put all the political correctness aside. If I recall correctly I think we had a few threads here last year about places not putting up Christmas trees to be "politically correct"

Come on people....peace on earth, good will towards men. If someone is wishing you happiness, isn't that a good thing?

I work in an Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary. Each and every day I am greeted by the Priests there with "Christ has risen!" (in Ukrainian) I am not Ukrainian Orthodox, I do not take offense to it. It is a greeting and good thing and the meaning behind it is a good one.
What I think it really boils down to is this...does it really piss you off or does it just bother you because someone told you it's supposed to bother you? I really don't think that the majority of people are that thin skinned. PC might have been a good idea at one time (I'd disagree) but like most things it's gotten out of control. If folks would simply stop, think about what they were about to say and filter it appropriately then there probably wouldn't be a problem. Trouble is that so many folks will say the most hateful and mean spirited things for the shock value that now even the most mundane things are verbotten.
OH… I also use sheng dan kuaile … which means pretty much the same but my in-laws understand that much better... but since they don't celebrate Christmas it doesn't mean much to them
No I say Merry Christmas for the most part but I say Happy Holidays because at a lot of my jobs in the malls here in town we werent supposed to day Merry Christmas because we were being politically incorrect...i didnt last very long at those jobs


Nor would I..I will wish someone a Merry Christmas and if they correct me and tell to to say Happy Holidays I will apologize then I say Have a VERY Merry Christmas..
Being Jewish, I generally say "happy holidays", although on occasion, I will say "happy Chanukah" instead - especially when I say "happy holidays" and get "but it's Christmas!" (in the surprised "how could you not participate properly" back.

Now, don't get me wrong - I enjoy the season as much as anyone, participate in Secret Santa gift exchanges, give gifts to coworkers, and so on - but when we had a holiday party at work a few years ago, one of the staff who was setting up the table put a small Christmas tree on it, looked at me, asked if it was a problem for me (it's not) - and then said "It's not like it's really related to Christmas or anything, it's just seasonal". I gotta say "Huh? How is a Christmas tree not related to Christmas?" I don't get it. :idunno:
I worked in rather a large government department once (about 2000 people just in the main building) where the whole Christmas verses Kwanza verses Chanukah thing got out of hand.

It was a major issue since someone would put up Christmas decorations and someone would counter with Kwanza decorations and since no one was putting up any Chanukah decorations the complaints got bigger and bigger as the season moved on. Finally the Commissioner of the department (who was Jewish) got fed up with the whole thing walked in the front door one morning removed a menorah from his brief case, put it on the front desk in the main entrance and said ok decorating is over and everyone can shut up now. I thought it was hilarious others were offended butÂ… the battle and the decorating was over.
I generally go into hiding so I can avoide the whole holiday mess. Happy/Merry whatever to everyone however.

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