They've been around for thousands of years, in the middle East more then 2,500 years ago when Pharoh Ramses II used 11,000 of them against his enemies. The Spartans about 450 BC , the Saika used in the 1500s in Japan, the French infantry in 17th and 18th centuries, the Flying Tigers of WWII, in they were used in the Congo during the '60s, the French Foreing Legion in Vietnam, they were also involved in Biafra and Sierra Leone in the '70s, to Blackwater in Iraq ... its nothing new.
I personally would rather have someone who want to be there fighting rather then sending some poor slob in the Guard who has a family and was sitting in a 9 to 5 job a couple of weeks ago.
I totally disagree with that. It goes against all the republican principles of our country. There is no joy in sending a regular guy or what you call in an (I hope) endearing way, "poor slob" to die for his country. But that is how republics should defend themselves (don't go quoting Machiavelli on me. I no not all republics follow this.) If a war is not important enough for American citizens to leave their lives and homes and defend the country, maybe it isn't a war we should be fighting.