Memorials Forum Guidelines - Please read before posting to this forum.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free

This is the place to post obituaries and memorials, tributes and stories. A place to remember those who guided us and inspired us.

Please, when posting, seach to see if the person you wish to honor has already been memorialized here, and add to the existing tribute, rather than starting multiple threads.

A preference is placed on Masters and Grandmasters, system founders, and leaders in the arts. For example, Ed Parker and Remy Presas are welcome, Elvis is not.

We also do allow and welcome tributes to those who have truely touched our hearts.

Thank you.
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Elvis was too an innovator in martial arts! He traded Cadillacs for black belts! :D

okay, I'll behave
Elvis was one of the most famous martial artists in the world and inspired many people to do martial arts and at the same time raised the profile of the arts and promoted them far more then they ever had been. It is quite possible that the arts would not be as big today with out him.
He died 25 years ago yesterday.
You have a good point, and I've heard that he legit earned his black belt, the hard way.

A moment for the King. :asian:
When Ed Parker was asked what degree of black belt Elvis should have been he responded something to the effect of, "Are there different degrees of death? He was a good black belt and that is what matters."
the fact that elvis studied martial arts has always interested me. im glad he was legit.
So did Ricky Nelson and Frank Sinatra, to name just a couple more.
Originally posted by yilisifu
So did Ricky Nelson and Frank Sinatra, to name just a couple more.

really?? i didn't know that. what style and rank were they?
I don't know what rank Sinatra was. Ricky Nelson was a black belt, although I don't know what level.
Rick Nelson was a first degree black belt with Bruce Tegner, he earned his black belt in the early 1960's, sorry i can't rember what year. Rick trained in karate for self-defense and as a fun hobby, just as he did tennis, for the era Rick was a better than average black belt. train hard, train smart.
Please Remove your Signature for Memorials out of respect.

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-MT S. Moderator-
Bob Hubbard said:
You have a good point, and I've heard that he legit earned his black belt, the hard way.

A moment for the King. :asian:

Yes, he did. He also declined to to serve his Army commitment in an entertainment position. Despite his spiral into self-destruction, he had character and was a fine martial artist at one time. :asian:
yilisifu said:
I don't know what rank Sinatra was.

Did he have any rank? I know he used some martial arts in The Manchurian Candidate, but I didn't think he actually studied other than for that movie.
KenpoTess said:
Please Remove your Signature for Memorials out of respect.

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-MT S. Moderator-

Just thought I would pop this up to the top of the page for everyone to read and remember. It is kinda like taking your hat off in church ;)

With the new Vbulletin, you will find the "show signature" under additional options. Please just remove the check box. Thanks.
Lisa said:
Just thought I would pop this up to the top of the page for everyone to read and remember. It is kinda like taking your hat off in church ;)

With the new Vbulletin, you will find the "show signature" under additional options. Please just remove the check box. Thanks.
OH I'm glad you did this. I'm positive I've forgotten this on numerous occasions.

Thanks for the reminder, Lisa.
KenpoTess said:
Please Remove your Signature for Memorials out of respect.

To do so, on the bottom left of the posting box you will see Additional Options
remove the checkmark in the 'Show your signature'.

Thank you,

-MT S. Moderator-
Very good point... thanks for that one. :asian:
Please Remove your Signature for Memorials out of respect.

To do so, on the bottom left of the posting box you will see Additional Options
remove the checkmark in the 'Show your signature'.

Thank you,

-MT S. Moderator-

Just thought I would pop this up to the top of the page for everyone to read and remember. It is kinda like taking your hat off in church ;)

With the new Vbulletin, you will find the "show signature" under additional options. Please just remove the check box. Thanks.

In the Quick Reply section, this option is on the bottom right of the posting box.