Membership Drive - Support the Web's Premiere Martial Arts Discussion Forum!


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Ladies and Gentlemen,

MartialTalk is one of the three most visited martial arts discussion sites on the web. We want to make it number two.

In order to grow, we need support. There are several ways to support MartialTalk such as Supporting Membership, Advertising and Donations.

Supporting Memberships are not much - $12 per year (that's only $1 per month) and with all the views we get, this is a good site to advertise your school on! Donations help immensely as well.

So if you enjoy this site, please make any effort you can to send some support the way of Bob Hubbard, the owner. PayPal is available for your convenience.

Thanks for your support!

Georgia Ketchmark
I will say that the perks you get as a supporting member are well worth the measley $12. I really like having access to the premium club.

Did it yesterday should have done it from day one too many great folks to talk to and the lady great looks and they can kill ya what more does a guy want!
KenpoTess said:
Ahems.. we want to make it # 1 :D

Yes indeed come on people.. it's less than a night at the Movies~!
Funny I thought this site was already # 1 with so many new people joining every day. Since I don't go to the movies that often, if at all, I think I can give up my monthly pizza and Three Stooges night for this. Always like to see my hard earned money go to a good cause. Can't get any better than this. Money will be sent out this weekend. Good luck and best regards, Steve
Kempogeek said:
Funny I thought this site was already # 1 with so many new people joining every day.
Hey, I like your thinkin'!

Kempogeek said:
Since I don't go to the movies that often, if at all, I think I can give up my monthly pizza and Three Stooges night for this. Always like to see my hard earned money go to a good cause. Can't get any better than this. Money will be sent out this weekend. Good luck and best regards, Steve
Thank you Kempogeek!!!

terryl965 said:
Did it yesterday should have done it from day one too many great folks to talk to and the lady great looks and they can kill ya what more does a guy want!
Thank you Terry!!!
Kempogeek said:
Funny I thought this site was already # 1 with so many new people joining every day. Since I don't go to the movies that often, if at all, I think I can give up my monthly pizza and Three Stooges night for this. Always like to see my hard earned money go to a good cause. Can't get any better than this. Money will be sent out this weekend. Good luck and best regards, Steve
You can get your fill of the three stooges right here! :ultracool I'm in my second year of supporting the site. It's kinda like paying rent for me since this has become my home away from home so to speak.
shesulsa said:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

...In order to grow, we need support. There are several ways to support MartialTalk such as Supporting Membership, Advertising and Donations.

Supporting Memberships are not much - $12 per year (that's only $1 per month) and with all the views we get, this is a good site to advertise your school on! Donations help immensely as well.

So if you enjoy this site, please make any effort you can to send some support the way of Bob Hubbard, the owner. PayPal is available for your convenience.

Thanks for your support!

Georgia Ketchmark

I propose a "Supporting Membership "contest-Taekwondoin vs Hapkidoin! Of course those folks who do both arts....well, we count them under Taekwondo! (Sort of like baseball's "ties go to the runner" rule)


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