Yiliquan is so expansive that I feel it includes all other arts within it to a certain degree...
Each person's experience of Yiliquan is so unique that no two people do Yiliquan exactly the same. We all teach the same material to the same standards of performance, but we all have our own specialties and preferences, our own understandings and insights.
My Yili, although influenced and nurtured by Chufeng's Yili, is still very different from his... Mine is rough, aggressive, punishing. His is more refined, more finely honed, though still very punishing (trust me on this one - I know; if you don't believe that a greying, limping old fart can still lay down a serious butt kicking, come visit some Saturday... Judo-kid - where are you? :lol: )
NO!!! It is not a cult...
No one has been asked to give up anything...
Sifu is not living in any kind of luxury, that's for sure...
It is his love for the system (and our love for the sytem) that sustains it...
We pay less than $50 a year for association membership. From what I understand, I don't think we have a school that charges for tuition at all, though if we do it is nominal at best. Our teacher works for a living, supports his family and makes nearly nothing from teaching. It is the love for Yiliquan that we
all have that keeps it alive.
Disco -
We do have something valuable. We all know it, and even when we have disagreements, we remember that we have all gone through a lot, been there for each other, and have formed very lasting relationships with each other outside of training (as an example, my senior, Tim, in addition to tutoring me for the past decade and promoting me to Level 1 Senior, is also one of my best friends in the world and Godfather to both of my children!). That's where our cameraderie really stems from. It just helps that we all have the common interest in MA. We have had our own political squabbles, but because of the kind of people that stick with Yiliquan (we get a lot that come in the door, and nearly just as many walking back out - training is hard, and we don't compromise our standards
ever), we deal with it and move on. Y'know, there's always room for another Yili student...