Kerry:For McCain before he was Against McCain

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Kerry says McCain lacks judgment to be president

By HOPE YEN – 17 hours ago
Excerpt:— John Kerry says Republican John McCain doesn't have the judgment to be president.
If that's the case, then it's probably a good thing McCain rejected overtures from Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, to form a bipartisan ticket and run with Kerry as his candidate for vice president.
Kerry had no kind words his Senate colleague Sunday, accusing McCain of poor decision-making on everything from backing tax cuts for the wealthy to making support for continuing the U.S. military presence in Iraq the centerpiece of his presidential campaign.
"John McCain ... has proven that he has been wrong about every judgment he's made about the war. Wrong about the Iraqis paying for the reconstruction, wrong about whether or not the oil would pay for it, wrong about Sunni and Shia violence through the years, wrong about the willingness of the Iraqis to stand up for themselves," Kerry, who supports Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, said on CBS' "Face the Nation
If anyone cared what John Kerry thought, he would be president...............

seriously though, does this surprise anyone?
It's just politics. These guys have linked their paychecks to organizations and outcomes that require playing roles on a public stage. I always picture actors getting offstage, slumping down in a chair in front of a mirror next to flowers from adoring fans and theatre write-ups from hating critics, taking it all in, then wearily starting to take off the make-up from the completed most-recent performance. Many have some little off-loading ritual they do to shake off the remnants of the part, and return to their own minds as people, instead of their characters...put down the masks of tragedy and comedy, and recall which thoughts are their own as they go to meet their families for dinner or drinks after the show.

If the actor is good and the performance seamless, we should never suspect that the person playing the role doesn't actually feel this way; they are professionals at decieving us about their true thoughts and intentions, as they submerse themselves into the character of the play.

I just wonder if these lifelong politicians -- actors on the public/civic stage -- remember to give themselves an opportunity to download.
Give it a rest, Don. If you take a real look at what Kerry says it's pretty simple. In the 2004 campaign the Republican machine ground out a lot of dirt about him allegedly changing positions. One of the machine's biggest cogs was McCain. In the last few months McCain has changed his position on more issues than he (Kerry) was ever accused of. And he adds the personal/political opinion that the new McCain is a lot scarier than the old McCain.
I am pretty sure Don would give it a rest the second you do tellner

You are both true believers, unwilling or unable to compromise.

thats off topic though, the fact is, Kerry wanted McCain in 04, and now wants to talk trash. typical politics.
Give it a rest, Don. If you take a real look at what Kerry says it's pretty simple. In the 2004 campaign the Republican machine ground out a lot of dirt about him allegedly changing positions.
Daring to mention the truth, that Kerry changed positions more often then most of us change socks, is NOT "Grinding out dirt"
One of the machine's biggest cogs was McCain.
Are you claiming McCain was virulently ANTI-Kerry in 04? If so, kindly provide a shred of fact.
In the last few months McCain has changed his position on more issues than he (Kerry) was ever accused of. And he adds the personal/political opinion that the new McCain is a lot scarier than the old McCain.
You know why McCain "won" the Republican nominee this time around? EVERYONE ELSE QUIT. That is the ONLY reason.
I am pretty sure Don would give it a rest the second you do tellner

You are both true believers, unwilling or unable to compromise.

thats off topic though, the fact is, Kerry wanted McCain in 04, and now wants to talk trash. typical politics.

The McCain we see in today's elections is a far cry from the moderate maverick everyone considered him to be before the 2008 race began, let alone 4 years ago.

Now, I'm only talking about the perception I, as a voter, have of him--I haven't gone through his policy history thoroughly, for example--but hearing his speeches and stances today paints him as no moderate, but simply Bush 2.0. That alone leads me to believe there maybe some merit in Kerry's rejecting McCain now where he may have been accepting of the moderate conservative McCain used to be in 2004.