Master Arts Academy of Kung Fu

Master Arts Academy of Kung Fu
I just went to this site after stumbling on a video posted at YouTube.

Anyone know of this new style called "Kung Fu"?

Here's an excerpt from the website:

"Kung fu is an all encompassing art that adequately covers all aspects of combat and character development ultimately resulting in the betterment of self. The combative component is of the most in depth of all the fighting arts under the sun."

Thoughts, comments, or impressions?
Just looks like instead of specifying one type of kung fu, they're using the generic term for their specific art. Without going too deeply into the site, hard to get an idea of the specifics they're training, or whether their claims hold up at all. Just mho.
Just checked out the site.

It looks a lot like a Shaolin derivative with the Classical Hard possibly being some form of Long Fist and then there is 5 Animals. No pictures in the gallery unfortunately so I wasn't able to really see, though what images there were did suggest Shaolin.

I guess the Sifu is possibly shying away from using the name Shaolin because of its massive baggage and just going with Kung Fu. Maybe he was just taught it as kung fu. I don't know. There were some very general concepts and philosophical points expressed as well.
I notice that there is no lineage or bio of the school's chief instructor given. I'd be a bit suss about that. It all sounds very generic.
I notice that there is no lineage or bio of the school's chief instructor given. I'd be a bit suss about that. It all sounds very generic.

It does sound very generic, but lot's of legit sites don't post lineage. Still, this one just, I guess because it is so generic in terms of style.

clfsean said:
Where's the freaking video?????????

LOL! He clicked the school link from something he saw on youtube, didn't post the video he followed it from. :)

What do you think of the site Sean?
Looks like an offshoot from Wong Kiew Kit. I got that kind of vibe reading his website. I could be wrong but that's the definite flavor I got.
From the self defense application pictures I saw, all I saw was poor control and things that will get you hurt.

Why the strong reliance on JMA pictures and weaponry when it's a CMA?

Until I see more pictures I cannot really say what style they use, but they do not really resemble a real Shaolin flavored style, could be an offshoot, but it isn't a real Shaolin based style.

Just seems another in the long line of TMA's teaching LARPtasticly and things that will only get one hurt if they try them in self defense.
I'm at work now... will check the vid later, but when I opened the page when I made the first post, there was no vid. Maybe it was just Firefox.. I'll try with IE at home
Yes Firefox...I'm actually digging it.

Anyway... looks like Kenpo or some karate-ized something or another, but not 5 Animals.

Firefox has been good to me at the beginning and then problematic later. Beware, it may happen to you.

Back on subject.

I thought it looked like karate and absolutely not like any Chinese style. I'm still trying to figure out what the Art of Kung Fu is. Even the tv series made it clear there were different martial systems taught at Shaolin.
Marketing wins along with flashy names & stuff. From the video, there's nothing CMA about it. It looks a lot like kenpo to me.