MartialTalk Meetup Schedule

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
Looks like we've got some interest from the first poll. The summer seems to be the time period most people prefer, followed by spring/fall, so I've put 3 weekends in the summer, then one in both spring and fall. Whichever has the most votes is what we'll go with.
If you want to go, but don't want your vote counted, I added that option in, so you can still take the survey. Once we have the results, I'll let everyone know what weekend was chosen, and make a group pm with everyone so we can start planning.

You can find the poll here: MartialTalk Meetup Schedule
I think the poll has options on each date for yes, no, and other (with space for text). For anyone who is interested but whose schedule is so up in the air that you can't definitely say one way or the other, perhaps you can choose the "other" option to explain "probably", "maybe", "probably not", etc. That way we can at least pick a date which has the highest probability of being available for the highest number of people.
I'll add to what Tony said with, we're not holding anyone to any dates. If you say you can make it, then something happens and you can't, that's life. And if you think that's the case, not only can you use the other in the survey to specify that, the first question (after your name) is asking if you want to be counted towards the decision-making for it. So no pressure whatsoever with what you put down, just trying to find the date that works best.
Wish I could be there, but I am fairly certain I can't make it. The only possibility for me would be June or August, but if things go well I will be in Northern China sometime during the summer, and I don't know which month yet. I hope it works out and everyone has a great time
Done with the survey
I hope to be able to make it even if the number 1 choice does not make it :)
FYI: I'll be closing the poll next friday. Will message people who responded to the initial poll and haven't replied to this one letting them know, then over the weekend I'll update everyone.

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