MartialTalk Community


Senior Master
Most recently, I had the opportunity to meet one of our MartialTalk regular participants. Mr. Kevin Kilroe, (who posts under his own name) was in the state for an event in Northern California. Mr. Kilroe took the time and energy to actually come through Southern California to say “hello.” He called me on the phone and after we had the opportunity to talk for a while, I invited him to come by the school while I was teaching a class. He came by with his lovely wife, and I finally had a chance to put a face to the name I knew so well from our many on-line debates.

He was an absolute gentleman and I felt I had a new friend almost instantaneously. His wife was gracious, and like most Kenpo wives, patient as we hashed back and forth and exchanged ideas and concepts. Ultimately she too got into the act, and it was clear to me then, that she also trained in Kenpo with the best neutral bow in "heels" I had ever seen. The three of us were so involved that class time flew by and they stayed until we finished. Afterwards we took a few pictures to mark the occasion.

Mr. & Mrs. Kilroe are not the only great people I have met through this forum. Dr. David Crouch, Jason Bugg, Andrew King, Rich Mathews, also comes to mind most recently.

The point is a simple one. MartialTalk has been a tremendous vehicle for all of us to expand our knowledge, and reach out and make friends with people we probably would have never met otherwise. Then to actually get together face-to-face and converse reminded me how important in-person communications is to a cordial exchange of ideas. Facial expressions, body language, the rhythm we utilize when we talk, etc all contribute to the communication process.

Mr. Kilroe is a soft-spoken gentleman and his wife is an absolute jewel. I am so glad I had the opportunity to add these two lovely people to my world of people I can say, “I know them personally.” I look forward to the next time they are in California or I am in their neighborhood.

I also attended and participated in a seminar in San Diego over the weekend, and got my first in-person look at some internet regulars.

It was a great group and everyone was gracious and polite. I was reunited when some of the old school guys I watched come up, and trained with. There was Tom Post, Dan Laxson, Frank Trejo, Willy Steele, Rick Hughes, along with Darrin Philips and his lovely daughter “Desi” who I met for the first time. The gracious host school owner Mr. Gary Wilson and his lovely fiancé, Robert Nabors, Mike Jenkins, John LaTurno, etc. There was even a rumor that Clyde O’Briant was there thumping on people.

As much fun as the seminar was, the dinner conversation was even better and I felt, once again, This really old fat guy made some more friends. And the best part was, Dennis Conatser didn't show up which meant there was enough food left at the Chinese Buffet for the rest of us.

IsnÂ’t MartialTalk great. :)
Gentlemen, thanks for sharing some of the "possibilities" that are available through MT. We get awefully tired of the Keyboard Warriors and it is nice to hear stories about relationships and people who know that people are more important than posts.

The pleasure has been mine, Doc. Exploring possibility in kenpo has been a prime hobby of mine for about as long as memory serves. Meeting a wiz with the same obsession has been freakin' cool. MT has certainly made fortuitous introductions possible.


It was a highlight of my trip to California to be invited to Dr. Chapel's studio.
When we arrived we were greeted like old friends. Dr. Chapel shared his knowledge freely, telling me nothing was a secret, all people had to do was ask. I only wish I could remember everything he shared with me. He physically demonstrated body indexing, platform alignment mechanisms, and how striking certain areas with little effort can have a profound effect. Mr. Parker said to feel is to believe, and I am a believer. He also knows how to heal, not just hurt, which he also demonstrated by giving my neck a much needed adjustment. I only wish we had the time to take him up on his offer of dinner and a movie the following evening.
His students were also very wecoming and friendly, along with being some very intense and impressive kenpoists. I highly recommend to anyone living in California or just visiting to make the effort and contact Dr. Chapel. I guarentee you wont regret it. Being a relative newcomer to kenpo, (71/2 years), it was an honor to learn from such an experienced teacher.
Dr. Chapel, it was an honor and a privilege and I look forward to our next meeting, wherever it may be.

Kevin Kilroe
Michael Billings said:
Gentlemen, thanks for sharing some of the "possibilities" that are available through MT. We get awefully tired of the Keyboard Warriors and it is nice to hear stories about relationships and people who know that people are more important than posts. -Michael
Ditto! :)

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