Martial Talk Midwest Seminar Oct 24-26

Was destroyed today by fire. Three people were hurt and one person was killed. Prayers go out to the victims.
So this hotel is not available now.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
The online registration form will be up this evening. Unfortunately, due to a disagreement with my credit card processor, I will not be able to offer credit card payments for this event.


You might look into using PayPal for the time being.

Ok..I thought I put this link up and I just realized I didn't. My apologies.

Its a bit sparce as this threads the main source of info. You can register online. No online payments though.

I will be working on starting a PayPal account for those whating to pay that way. I have no way of accepting Credit Cards and no plans to start. You can pay by check if you like. Will let you know when it is up and ready.
Bob :asian:
Camp Challenge:
The -3- people who bring the most paid pre-registered folks to the camp will receive free 1 year subscriptions to MT Magazine. To be eligable, you -must- register online and list who refered you.

In addition, we will be giving away 1 free annual subscription by random draw per each 10 registered individuals. (So if 20 people show, we give away 2 subscriptions.)

If we top 50 attendees, I will also raffle off a 1 year webhosting account. (A $99 value).

These offers are -only- available to those at the camp (Instructor and attendee alike)

Registration is at

Any of you that plan on staying for the Sunday class. Which will be held from 10-2 pm. Please let me know. I believe Mike Casrto is still planning on teaching and myself. Is there anyone else? Trying to get Sunday a little more finallyized.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Any of you that plan on staying for the Sunday class. Which will be held from 10-2 pm. Please let me know. I believe Mike Casrto is still planning on teaching and myself. Is there anyone else? Trying to get Sunday a little more finallyized.
Bob :asian:

Yup. I'm still planning on being there :)

If no one whats to take the reins and provided a place to have an seminar. The welcome mat is out for ours.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Here is what I have as of July 7th Seminar in Effingham, IL October 24-26, 2003. People who have email me or confirmed they will be here to teach. If any of the info is wrong please let me know, I am going by what you have sent to or what is on your profile or web sites.

Mike Casto-Arts Ranked in Kali, Silat, Shen Chuan, and Kun Tao Silat. Plans on teaching locking and disarms with and without weapons. Trapping hands and flexible weapons.

Rich Parsons- Lakan Tatlo in Modern Arnis. Plans on showning techniques for the single cane.

Jerome Barber-6th Degree in both Escrima and Kenpo. Will teach the Filipino palm stick and Kobutan key chain and the relationship to some empty hand self defense applications.

Arnisador ( don't know your real name: SORRY)-Modern Arnis and will teach techniques from this art.

Bob Thomas (Host) 4th Degree in Kempo-Jujutsu. Plans on teaching takedowns/sweeps/throws and grappling techniques both sport and combative.

Friday nite 6:00 to ? Martial Talk get together . For MT people only to meet, have dinner and maybe show techniques to each other.

Saturday Day Open Seminar Start at 10:00am to 5:00pm. There is 7 hours to play with. Each person may teach for 1 hour each. that is 5hours then 1 hour for cater lunch, which will leave 1 hour left. Maybe have a question and answer for 1 hour? Later that nite another MT get together. say 6:30 to ?

Sunday I am not sure what we want to do. Maybe small seminar from 10:00 to 1 or 2. let me know. I don't have to travel you guys do. I don't know when you want to get home?

Cost for both days $100.00 which includes a cater lunch for both days.
Sat only $80.00
Sun only $40.00
( for the public only) What do you think?

Also any of you who have video tapes, t-shirts that want to sell them I don't have a problem with it does any one else?



And for something I read on the CanAm Site :

(Seminars & Tournament Weekend)
October 25th - 26th, 2003

Seminar Location: Kai Shin Karate (Hombu) Dojo
966 Dundas Street East
Mississauga, Ontario Canada

Seminar Date: October 25th, 2003
9 am - 6 pm

Pre-registered $65 / At-the-door $85

Featuring: Masters International Seminars Tour (M.I.S.T.)
" Out of the mist, the dragon arose to summon his warriors... Great masters from around the world, were gathered together in a place never before traveled... There, they taught their renowned skills to the warriors who were assembled..."

Our M.I.S.T. Instructors include:

1) Gm Dano Meadows-Kenpokido (Kenpo's Destructive Strikes & PPCT) & (Canemasters - Self Defense Cane)
2) Gm Dexter L. Cockburn-Jiu Jitsu (Kadojitsu Jiu Jitsu for the streets)
3) Dr. Jerome Barber-Escrima/Arnis(Contrasting Palm Stick w/ Largo Mano)
4) Sensei Monty Guest-Chito Ryu (Chito Ryu Basics-Techniques & Applications)
5) Gm Daniel Verkerke-Seicho Jutsu (The Emblem Theory)
6) Sensei Karl Yaneff - Kenpokido/Kosho Ryu (Kenpokido Clock - Self Defense & Evasive Movements)


For Further information or registration contact:
Gm Dano Meadows (905) 751-8363
Website Updates:

Gm Dano Meadows

What is common between these two posts?

Jerome Barber is teaching at both.

I find it poor taste that the good Ed D. can have people post for him here on MT, and yet he cannot contact the seminar host, nor anyone here about this event and or his other engagements.

Very poor taste in my mind.

Thanks for the info :mad: I am not to happy if this is the case. Think I should contact him, or just leave his *** off the event schedule.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
I have emailed Jerome. Earlier today. No reply yet. Will keep you undated.

"undated" eh? That's pretty cruel isn't it? I have enough trouble keeping track of dates as it is :)

Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

Thanks for the info :mad: I am not to happy if this is the case. Think I should contact him, or just leave his *** off the event schedule.


I hope it is a typo or misunderstanding. Yet, I have a feeling it is not. Jerome had people pull out on him. Some monthes before if not right away and he did not let the public know about it.
(Jerome) If he shows he shows. Just means more time for the other Instructors. I also have a friend who is coming that weekend. He is with Dillman's Organization. Could have him show some pressure point stuff?:shrug:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
(Jerome) If he shows he shows. Just means more time for the other Instructors. I also have a friend who is coming that weekend. He is with Dillman's Organization. Could have him show some pressure point stuff?:shrug:

Sounds like fun. :)
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
(Jerome) If he shows he shows. Just means more time for the other Instructors. I also have a friend who is coming that weekend. He is with Dillman's Organization. Could have him show some pressure point stuff?:shrug:

I am not into the pressure point knock out thing.

I might be interested in target area for form application and such.

I am just not into the no touch knock outs, Yet I have an open mind, which means that I could still learn something

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