I'm a few days late, or early depending on how you look at it...
Martialtalk.com was registered on 6-23-01 with the intent of being a small discussion area to complement wnymartialarts.com, a local portal site to local schools. MartialTalk opened to the public on August 24th 2001 with 1 member, me and a handful of posts, mostly just forum descriptions.
A year later and we've come a long way.
900+ members, 3,300+ topics, and just shy of 47,000 posts. Wnymartialarts.com is just a memory, absorbed by the incredible growth of its 'child' forum.
We went from being a 1 man show to having a great team of administrators, moderators and members.
We have blown past many older and better known forums to become one of the top places to discuss martial arts on the net.
I'm currently working on a 1 year in review and should have it ready shortly.
To all our members and moderators, supporters and visitors, Thank You! This place would not be possible without every last one of you, and everyone here greatly appreciates you spending the time and visiting us.
Thank you for a wonderful Year-1. Year 2 is gonna be 10x better!

Martialtalk.com was registered on 6-23-01 with the intent of being a small discussion area to complement wnymartialarts.com, a local portal site to local schools. MartialTalk opened to the public on August 24th 2001 with 1 member, me and a handful of posts, mostly just forum descriptions.
A year later and we've come a long way.
900+ members, 3,300+ topics, and just shy of 47,000 posts. Wnymartialarts.com is just a memory, absorbed by the incredible growth of its 'child' forum.
We went from being a 1 man show to having a great team of administrators, moderators and members.
We have blown past many older and better known forums to become one of the top places to discuss martial arts on the net.
I'm currently working on a 1 year in review and should have it ready shortly.
To all our members and moderators, supporters and visitors, Thank You! This place would not be possible without every last one of you, and everyone here greatly appreciates you spending the time and visiting us.
Thank you for a wonderful Year-1. Year 2 is gonna be 10x better!