New tweaks at Martial Talk and short update.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I'm sure everyone has noticed the new "status info" at the top of the main page. If you don't have an avatar set up, you'll see the yin-yang, but if you do, ya get to see, you! :)

Some tweaks on our stats, you can now see exactly how many posts have been made today. Its hardcoded for PST, so for us on the eastern seaboard or outside the US it may not be totally accurate, but its close. :)

I've done some rearangement on the forums, attempting to sort them by main-focus. There may be some gaps, or overlaps, but I think thats to be expected when so many of us cross train.

We will be adding another forum or 2 in the near future, and possibly doing some additional rearaingements based on traffic.

I ran the stats for MT during the move. Was very very interesting. In 19 days we pushed just shy of 3 Gigabytes of data. Over 75,000 page views. over 2300 visitors (based on unique IP addresses). Folks, we're moving at warp speed!

I recently sent out a mass mailing to all members. I will be doing some pruning on the member list shortly based on who's emails bounced. If you didn't get an email from us, please double check to make sure you have a current address listed.

Thank you all!

Bob Hubbard
MT Admin.
I go away for a weekend and y'all change everything around on me!

Not that I'm complaining...looks nice.

Back to wadin' through all the new posts.

Yeah, it looks pretty good. I checked in before you had completed the changes and was a little confused as to why the forums were ordered the way they were. Once you put in the large headings (e.g., Chinese Arts) it made more sense and made a nicer looking separation between the categories. Looks good to me now. :)
Thanks all. I'm really glad the changes look good. I have to thank arnisador for spending alot of time helping me tweak them while rolling them out. The more feed back and suggestions the better. So, please keep em coming!

I really think we can make this the best martial arts forum on the net. :)

We're already doing a ton of traffic, and it just keeps getting better.


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