Martial Arts Terminology


MT Mentor
From time to time, especially on this site, we come across terms commonly used by certain martial arts styles that aren't used by other styles.

I remember when I first came, I was initially a tad confused. I then can see the similarity in meaning, but I do detect that some are not necessarily on the same level of meaning.

What I would like is to identify which styles use these terms below.

Feel free to add on more terms to the list below also. If you wish, you may add a very brief definition if that may help clarify the term further or to explain how/when it is used by your style.

- Ceicei





Originally posted by Ceicei
From time to time, especially on this site, we come across terms commonly used by certain martial arts styles that aren't used by other styles.

I remember when I first came, I was initially a tad confused. I then can see the similarity in meaning, but I do detect that some are not necessarily on the same level of meaning.

What I would like is to identify which styles use these terms below.

Feel free to add on more terms to the list below also. If you wish, you may add a very brief definition if that may help clarify the term further or to explain how/when it is used by your style.

- Ceicei

Sifu - Chinese Martial arts instructor
Sensei - Japanese martial arts instructor (literally one who has gone before)
Master - Rough translation of Dan (as in Dan grade). Japanese
Soke - Don't get me started!
Shodan - 1st Dan (Japanese don't use Ichidan, but it means first dan none the less)

Dojo - A training hall (place to learn the way) Japanese arts
Studio - A training hall, usually implies specific use
Dojang - Korean equivalent of Dojo

Randori - Free practise, sparring. Japanese arts
Uke - Opponent, but in practise only. Japanese

Dubok - Dobuk? Korean martial arts outfit
Dogi - Japanese martial arts outfit (uniform of the way?)
Hakama - Split trousers worn in some Japanese martial arts. Often mistaken for a skirt.

Kyu - A student grade within a system. Japanese
Dan - A "master" grade within a system. Usually referred to as a black belt grade. Japanese (and Korean maybe?)
The only one I have ever used is Sifu which is used by Chinese systems referring to their teacher. It is simply translated into teacher. All the other terminology in our system is strictly Chinese words for each technique or form.

I won't go through all the terminology you asked explanation for, but I'll offer alternate translations from those given by Aegis and I've also added a some more Japanese terminology that is frequently used:

Budo - martial way
Seito - a regular student
deshi - a direct disciple
Sempai - senior student
Kohai - junior student
Dohai - a practitioner of the same level
Sensei - teacher (in Japan it is common courtesy to call anyone your senior 'sensei')
Shihan - senior teacher (teacher of teachers)
Soke - inheritor and/or headmaster of a system

Shodan - first grade or dan (generally refers to your 1st degree black belt)
Obi - belt
Hakama - split pants often seen used in Aikido and other more traditional budo
Dogi - training uniform
Keiko gi - training uniform

Randori - freestyle practice generally associated with Judo and Aikido related arts
Kumite - sparring (genrally used in Karate)
Shiai - competition

Ma-ai - the combative distance between two opponents
Kata - a series of choreographed movements done solo (and in some systems with a partner) used to teach techniques & application
Kiai - The manifestation of spirit and energy projected vocally
Waza - technique
Kihon - basic / fundamental techniques
Kamae - posture (sometimes refers to a 'ready' posture)


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