Martial Arts Philosophy/Religion

Xue Sheng said:
No disrespect intended, but I am a bit confused here.

I admittedly no nothing about LeVey and little about Satanism. But my understanding of Atheism is that there is no god or gods therefore nothing to worship.

Satanism at least implies the worship of Satan, am I right or wrong?
Here is a paragraph from the Satanic Bible that should answer your question.

"Most Satanists do not accept Satan as an anthropomorphic being with cloven hooves, a barbed tail, and horns. He merely represents a force in nature - the powers of darkness which have been named just that because no religion has taken these forces out of the darkness. Nor has science been able to apply technical terminology to this force. It is an untapped resivoir that few can make use of because they lack the ability use a tool without having to first break down and label all the parts which make it run. It is this incessant need to analyze which prohibits most people from taking advantage of this many faceted key to the unknown - which the Satanist chooses to call "Satan"(The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey)
MartialIntent said:
I think to be fair, LaVey could have referenced his teaching as nothing but satanism, being as it is in it's entirety opposed to the teachings of the Christ. LaVey proposes not just an eye for an eye but a tenfold payback. He proposes that we as humans are nothing but animals [and no better than] and most importantly in this arguement, proposes that we ourselves are the only god.

and yet calling it satanism makes it feel like some 17 year old dressing in black and hanging a pentagram round his neck to annoy his baptist parents. from what reading i've done in the satanic bible and some metasources (admittedly not exahustive) it seems to be the human potential movement with a window dressing of mysticism and kinky sex.

now, i'm a big fan of all three :ultracool. but it could have just as easily been called LaVeyism, or Virtual Human Evolution, or George and accomplished so much more. of course, selfishness (or shedding the illusion that you are responsible for those weaker than yourself) seems a core value of the religion.

and your point that it's decidedly non-evangelistic is a good one. it just always makes me sad to see good ideas miss minds because the person espousing them makes a bad call. maybe that means i'm getting old.

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