Martial Arts Nick Names


Master Black Belt
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Northern California
Curious- did any of the rest of you get a nick name from your fellow martial arts buddies, students, etc?

Some of my classmates and students in one of the old dojos I went to nick named me "Gumby".........they said it was cuz of my flexibility at the time!!

They also gave me a huge Gumby stuffed animal and somebody made a gi and put it on there with a black belt around the waist- I still have it- I thought it was a really neat thing for them to do for me!! They gave it to me a few months before I tested for my black belt.

:asian: :karate:
Originally posted by tarabos
the only knicknames i've ever had for other people can't be repeated on this board...

What about the ones they have had for you? Can those also not be repeated on this board? :D:rofl:
I've had a couple nicknames derived from my study of the martial arts over the years.

Tornado or The Turner Tornado due to acrobatic nature in my early years, specializing in explosive kicks.

Master Doug - Every time I've taught a class my students have been predisposed to calling me Master Doug. I ask them to use my first name and they wind up attaching 'master' to it probably because they know I can't stand it when instructors force their students to refer to them with an honorific. Nothing disgusts me more than to walk into a school and see the instructor refer to himself or have papers on the wall that refer to him as Sensei, Sabumnim, Master or even "Mister" as if it were his first name. Respect is earned, not dictated, in my classes.

The Dragon - I have no idea why, but a number of people have taken to using 'The Dragon' in reference to me.
A friend and I joke/play around sometimes and we occasionally call each other "Twin Dragon" (as we're a lot a like and was supposed to have the same birthdays). She also calls me Opal Dragon sometimes and she's Sapphire Dragon. :)

Oh yeah, I forgot! Sometimes the guys in class like to call me "Killer" and nothing is further than the truth so it's funny. This morning, one of the guys called me "Termite". That's a new one.

Robyn :asian:
A long time ago, the called me "Bull
And now they just call you "full of Bull!!":rofl:
((goes to put on steel cup for boot to the groin))

I was called Stretch by my old instructor... hated it.
I've given three on this board

Mike Seig, "Hitman"

Tess, "The Queen of Pain"

Dennis Conatser, "The High Kenpo Icon of the Desert"
For the longest time I was known as no control Sean. I was Oh Eternal Orange belt til I made purple. (after that I was known as Private Wold if you know what I mean)
Training Dummy...with a bit too much emphasis on the 'dummy' :D

Seigi: It means Justice or right of heart.

Also, "OverKIll" which i have a habit of doing.
* Big Vinnie - I've got some "girth" on me
* Senfeng - actually it was suposed to be [Chan] San Feng, which I am told can mean "three times riches", "three mountains", or "three times crazy". I believe that they were talking about the last. I changed it to Senfeng because I thought calling myself San Feng would be disrespectful.
Man we have plenty of nicknames for our students...some may be repeated....

Kenpo Tess is normally Tessmania....she can spin into a fit when sparring sometimes

We had one girl that was really small but when sparring we'd get her going and nicked named her chiwawa (not sure on spelling).

Chronuss is Siquash has he towers over all of us and has these feet that are always getting in the way...Kenpo Tess just had an encounter with them a couple nights ago and fell :wah: .

My brother at one point was Baby Ookie cause they loved to beat on him now he's graduated to Junior Ookie

I'm not entirely sure if I have a permanent nickname in there. It's whatever attitude I'm in at the time...some can't be repeated.
yeah, my classmates called me "ohsa" which is korean for 'bear'..........i think..
When i first started it was ookie I thought this is cool they gave me a nickname short time later i was and still am trying to rid myself of that nam soon there will be a new student in our dojo worthy enough to take the name.:shrug: