Martial Arts Classroom Instruction


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
I recently had the opportunity to do some experiments with martial arts teaching and I wanted to share the results with everyone. One of the experiments that I have performed pertains to having a classroom portion attached to the martial arts lesson. Basically, the way I've instructed the class is that I open the class in a traditional school setting and then move outside or to a multi-purpose room for the lesson. Then we bow out and we finish the lesson in the classroom. The teaching period for the class is a two hour block and the classroom portion at the beginning and the end takes about 10-15 minutes.

What I've found is that the time I've been giving my students to work on their notebooks and reflect on what they've been taught has really helped them get more from each lesson. For example, my students have a firmer grasp of the language, the culture, and philosophic aspects of the art then they have ever had before. This translates into less explanation time eating into my hands-on instruction time and we actually get more accomplished in class because of it. Also, the students really like it because it gives them a set time for them to ask me questions and clear up any misconceptions.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried this? What did you find? I really like the results I've experienced so far!
When I teach a clinic/seminar, I often start with a lecture period where I address and emphasize key points and goals for the class. The exercises and active work of the session is then building on those points.
I was just brainstorming this morning about ways to integrate lecture and note-taking sessions with hands-on, mat time. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I've always required my students to keep notebooks, but they never looked that good and were never utilized much until I incorporated some time in class to do it. I wonder what my own notebooks would have looked like if my teacher had taught this way? It would have been different, that is for sure!