Blooming Lotus
Purple Belt
-bodhisattvas lack peace and what was that statement??? Being a ch'an buddhist myself excuse me while I wipe my milk I just sprayed all over my screen . Quite clearly, someone needs to google and find out what exactly they're talking about. try or 
Firstly, if you don't understand the multi-diminensional aspects of the system you are studying, how in crimineys do you except to have full understanding and be able to express that in your art??? You are comprimising and it's the same old tma vs mma argument, come sport vs traditional perpetuation , and even in mma ( for all their anti - tma fighting words ) there are traditional aspects relating directly back to the philosphical root belief system even in each demi aspect of the style it came from , expressed in our ma via different structure, and strike direction, power generation, jing alignment and balance distribution etc etc.
chan and shaolin buddhism practices kungfu to facilitate their meditation and don't even spar in practice, but could no doubt use it effectively in defence if often has focus on ring fighting and even alot of traditional arts that DO spar have more focus on street defence or combat as sport , which is nothing like what it was in conception, therefore base principal application and interpretation must adapt.
IMO, philosophy in ma is in crux in relation to meditation, form performance and continuation/ affectionado style ( except wushu also a performance art but less spiritually based) ; mma ( including your mantis and karate/ MT etc) is about gearing for the ring and more sport orientated and other traditional styles like WC and crossover adaptions from the sport sector above, are geared to todays street defence. Not to say the others aren't effective in various aspects on the street, but as a whole style, there I believe is the crux.
Ima is a whole new kettle of fish, and differs greatly to external arts in that by understanding merdians and points and concepts of tcma and qi used in martial application, a whole new realm of options external practitioners don't know they're meant to be defending against , opens up . From there, you have various ways of movement and thought tangents , breathing techs and chi cultivation methods that also vary from style to style / philosphical system to system.
It IS an aspect , but to say it's necc for your own maing objective is dogmatic at best..... but if you DO that comprimise, know your reason and ( whether or not you have any desire to ) understand that you missed the point
btw : buddhism has no god in their "religion" and neither does daoism. For most of us these are just a philosphical ideal to strive to and use to achieve our goals peacefully :0
"Find peace in your practice"
Gene Ching

Firstly, if you don't understand the multi-diminensional aspects of the system you are studying, how in crimineys do you except to have full understanding and be able to express that in your art??? You are comprimising and it's the same old tma vs mma argument, come sport vs traditional perpetuation , and even in mma ( for all their anti - tma fighting words ) there are traditional aspects relating directly back to the philosphical root belief system even in each demi aspect of the style it came from , expressed in our ma via different structure, and strike direction, power generation, jing alignment and balance distribution etc etc.
chan and shaolin buddhism practices kungfu to facilitate their meditation and don't even spar in practice, but could no doubt use it effectively in defence if often has focus on ring fighting and even alot of traditional arts that DO spar have more focus on street defence or combat as sport , which is nothing like what it was in conception, therefore base principal application and interpretation must adapt.
IMO, philosophy in ma is in crux in relation to meditation, form performance and continuation/ affectionado style ( except wushu also a performance art but less spiritually based) ; mma ( including your mantis and karate/ MT etc) is about gearing for the ring and more sport orientated and other traditional styles like WC and crossover adaptions from the sport sector above, are geared to todays street defence. Not to say the others aren't effective in various aspects on the street, but as a whole style, there I believe is the crux.
Ima is a whole new kettle of fish, and differs greatly to external arts in that by understanding merdians and points and concepts of tcma and qi used in martial application, a whole new realm of options external practitioners don't know they're meant to be defending against , opens up . From there, you have various ways of movement and thought tangents , breathing techs and chi cultivation methods that also vary from style to style / philosphical system to system.
It IS an aspect , but to say it's necc for your own maing objective is dogmatic at best..... but if you DO that comprimise, know your reason and ( whether or not you have any desire to ) understand that you missed the point

btw : buddhism has no god in their "religion" and neither does daoism. For most of us these are just a philosphical ideal to strive to and use to achieve our goals peacefully :0
"Find peace in your practice"
Gene Ching