Martial Arts and Religeon

i think part of the reason of this forum is to know who it is you are talking to and also there skill levels


are they masters of the art they practice or are they just beginner students who train with their instructors and not their GM's

now this forum is large and has both..........

The martial arts have been the largest single influence on my personal philosophy.

since you said this i thought you may really know the FMA............

For me it is a personal matter, but an important one. Martial arts are not inherently religious, neither are other forms of physical activity. It is the purpose and person behind the art(IE YOU).

Each person has different things that work for them. I know I always feel closest to God when I am training (weights, martial arts, etc). And surely you have heard of fishermen who say the lake/ocean/river is their church. Each person is reached or touched spiritually in different ways.

I am a poor Christian, but I do try to serve my God as best I can. Martial arts is one vehicle to perfect myself so as to be a better servant. It is one way to pursue excellence. And I believe God wants us to live up to our potential or he would not have given us our various gifts. That is my personal belief anyway.

Religion or philosophy is just so many words if you do not live up to your code(religious, philosophical, personal, etc). Or at least strive to live up to it anyway, Lord knows I stumble.

As far as being an active part of a religion, I do not think martial arts are meant to be that way for everybody. However if a person is living up to their personal code it will seep out into everything they do. Not so much as proselytizing as being a good example. If you are that example you will not need to speak for people to know where you stand. This applies to all different beliefs, be it Christianity, Taoism, Judaism(the worship of Judy Tenuda) or whatever.
Originally posted by moromoro
i think part of the reason of this forum is to know who it is you are talking to and also there skill levels


are they masters of the art they practice or are they just beginner students who train with their instructors and not their GM's

now this forum is large and has both..........

since you said this i thought you may really know the FMA............


If your interested in Rank etc then click on their profiles and find out for yourself :asian: But dont just pay attention to their rank, EVERYBODY on this site that I have seen posting has got something good to say :asian:
Originally posted by moromoro
since you said this i thought you may really know the FMA............

Actually, the philosophy of the Karate I studied while in high school is what really affected my thinking--then I've picked up things here and there from a kung fu instructor, from the Professor, and from others.