Martial Artists and TTRPG's/War Games

No, but I always open to another online group. Used to being in at least 2 at a time, so being in just 1 leaves me with free time. I've offered this up before, but would be cool if we could get a martialtalk D&D game going, even something like a play-by-post thing (I haven't tried that before though so not fully sure how they work)
I’m going out on a limb here. I have a large group that play Dayz online. Anybody here familiar?
Heard of it but never tried. it's a zombie survival game right?
Well yes, but so much more than that. It’s the experience more than the zombies. Up to 82 players on some servers. its a crazy amount of realism. Some folks are nice. Some folks will murder you for your shoes and then cook and eat you. I don’t want to give spoilers but it is a model of an actual place on the Black Sea. it is also cross platform. I recomend it highly if you want an immersive experience. Lots more fun if you can get a friend or two to join in. The first few attempts at surviving can be incredibly daunting. Best way to describe it is if you think you should be able to do it, you probably can. No game I know of has better firearm realism. I could see a bunch of us teaming up for an adventure there!
Started in AD&D - 1979 (Intro) / Basic as well Box set first bought.
Followed up with Expert and Master's and Companion, as well as AD&D Players and DM's and M&M.
I played various other games through the 80s, nothing longer then a single campaign or one offs.
Played first through 80's to today.
Second was tried, nothing wrong just the group kept having issues getting together.
I didn't like 3.0 or 3.5.
I do play Pathfinder 1E (3.75).
In the late 80's I did pick up Shadowrun and played that until today as well.
We stopped at 5th edition and not interested in 6th.
I have played a long run Mage Campaign in the 00's, and some Vampire here and there, and even Changeling.
I have played Cyberpunk, Top Secret, Boot Hill, Morrow Project, Paranoia, Cthulhu, and ...
Even a home made Super hero / Mutant / Magic TTRPG.
We are currently playing Shadowrun 5th weekly. (When ever holidays and other stuff don't interfere)
and Pathfinder 2E about once a month with same issues as above.

I am sure I forgot a bunch as well as the variations and editions.
I didn't go to Gen Con last year for the first time since 03. Went a couple of times before that in the 90's in Milwaukee as well.

As to learning a weapon from day one with FMA, i find that most Hand to hand and weapons base martial arts depicted poorly.
I just ignore the reality and laugh and play by the game hoping they tried for a semi balanced play.
Sadly, when I was the age most people get into these things, I didn't have any friends. I did have the monster manual though.