Martial artist knocks out street thug


Purple Belt
I know this is an old video but to me it's a classic and shows the great benefits of martial arts. This guy is a former solder and a black belt in karate and this guy for some reason is mouthing off being a jerk. The guy tries to cooly talk him down but when he doesn't and keeps threatening him puts him down in one shot which literally makes the guy crawl away, complete control from the guy he could've followed after him and beat him badly but he knew he didn't have to

its funny when "thugs" come close, pull out their arms and let you decide in which of a thousand possible ways you want to hit him, because there's nothing similar to a guard. good sign that the one doesn't know how to fight.
I know this is an old video but to me it's a classic and shows the great benefits of martial arts. This guy is a former solder and a black belt in karate and this guy for some reason is mouthing off being a jerk. The guy tries to cooly talk him down but when he doesn't and keeps threatening him puts him down in one shot which literally makes the guy crawl away, complete control from the guy he could've followed after him and beat him badly but he knew he didn't have to

He waited way too long.
The "thug" was just a drunken idiot. The man defending took a huge, unwarranted risk by dropping his hands and letting the idiot get that close to him. He had no fence and if the aggressor had actually intended to hurt him, he wouldn't have been able to respond in time. From inches away, the "thug" could have butted him, bashing his face or landed a hard punch before our "hero" could have reacted and defended himself.

I'd recommend either putting up "a fence" like Geoff Thompson recommends, or just ending it quick, like Bill Mattocks advocated above. I mean, even if he doesn't hit you, who wants some YOB comin' up to your door, screamin' in your face and probably spraying you with spit the whole time?
I'm a pretty laid back dude but if some guy comes onto my property, acts threatening, and starts shoving me like that guy, it would've went down way quicker.
I don't know the details of the situation, but if the man in black is standing in the entrance to his home, he's one lucky dude. He has no sense of strategy, no sense of reality, or a God damn lick of common sense. Yes, I know it all worked out, but that's hardly the point.
The "thug" was just a drunken idiot. The man defending took a huge, unwarranted risk by dropping his hands and letting the idiot get that close to him. He had no fence and if the aggressor had actually intended to hurt him, he wouldn't have been able to respond in time. From inches away, the "thug" could have butted him, bashing his face or landed a hard punch before our "hero" could have reacted and defended himself.

I'd recommend either putting up "a fence" like Geoff Thompson recommends, or just ending it quick, like Bill Mattocks advocated above. I mean, even if he doesn't hit you, who wants some YOB comin' up to your door, screamin' in your face and probably spraying you with spit the whole time?
Yep he was definitely in that guys red zone. My Sifu is always reminding us of zones and if the aggressor is in the red zone then you should have hit that person 10 seconds ago before he actually got into the red.
I certainly agree with the comments about using the fence, however the problem is we don't know the context. It looks like it was in a housing estate in the uk and the kid was probably a local, with a crowd of people watching. Maybe hoping to see the slightly weird bloke get victimised. One was certainly videoing it!

I imagine he had half an eye on the others and was aware that if he was too aggressive then that could end very badly for him in the aftermath, he has to live there remember.

As it was, the situation ended well for him, any court of law would rule in his favour as he clearly was not the antagonist and was clearly under threat. He made the other guy look aggressive, stupid and ultimately massively in the wrong.

This example clearly highlights the non-obvious challenges of self protection and in particular the long term impact of choices you have to make. Certainly in some cases making sub optimal tactical choices may be the better option strategically. Self protection is never just about fighting technique.
Remember also this guy was a former soldier so if he puts this guy in hospital the courts will use his army training plus his martial training against him. I know defending yourself is more important but I reckon this guy can instinctively tell what's going down. He might've even know the guy and knew he was just a loudmouth punk and gave him the chance to walk awayaway
I highly doubt the "attacker" was some random person. The whole neighborhood was watching, including a lot of kids. The "defender" most likely knew the guy and was used to his antics. Seems to me like this guy the local drunken idiot who likes to run his mouth and not back it up, and it seems like the crowd knows it.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like the "defender" was thinking "here he goes again," only this time he went a little too far, so he gave him a warning. The "attacker" didn't want to fight; he just wanted to intimidate. The defender held his ground and ended it when he thought he got carried too away this time.

Had this been a random attacker intent on actually fighting, he'd most likely have fully attacked. Had the defender thought there was a real threat, he'd most likely have taken action a lot quicker. Hopefully anyway.

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