Bruce Lee


Master Black Belt
Now don't take this the wrong way I love Bruce lee he was my first martial art idol I've even got a massive poster of him on my wall but when I look at comments on videos of him people do overhype him. I think they get him confused with his movie characters. Now he was an amazing martial artist easily the best of his time but he was not unbeatable no one is unbeatable. He never really faced any top level fighters his only known real fights were against street thugs in Hong Kong now that's not saying he's no good because he was the bets of his time you can see how good he was but no one ever is unbeatable pretty much every single fighter or martial artist has lost and no matter how good he was if he got caught with a good punch he'd go down

He couldn't beat 20 people all at the same time no one can do that. He was legendary for what he was he changed a lot in the martial art world. He was a great instructor in perfect physical shape and a very dangerous person who could do serious damage his legacy is already huge it doesn't need building up more with this god like image.

Just something that had been bugging me for a bit again no disrespect intended I'm not one of those who thinks he was just an actor because he was way more than that.
Who are you talking too that has such unrealistic ideas about the man? I have never seen any post on this sight that portrays Bruce as anything more than a martial artist and actor. He had some great insights for sure, but I have never heard anyone say Bruce could beat up 20 people at once,,,at least anyone over the age of 12.
Who are you talking too that has such unrealistic ideas about the man? I have never seen any post on this sight that portrays Bruce as anything more than a martial artist and actor. He had some great insights for sure, but I have never heard anyone say Bruce could beat up 20 people at once,,,at least anyone over the age of 12.
There are more places than this site you know lol
He could not fly, or lift a car, or...:D

There are/were many great fighters and martial artists. Yes Bruce lee gets some extreme hype - and that extreme hype gets twisted ... but pound for pound he was an amazing fighter and his impact on the field of marital arts, training, and specifically mixed martial arts was substantial.

Beyond the extreme hype there are some really good and fair documentaries on him, with praise (and fair criticism) comments by many other boxing and MMA fighters and leaders in the martial arts world - as well as popular culture. Also agree his movie persona over shadows his real work in Jun Fan and later JKD and mixed martial arts. But even his movie persona helped bring alot of folks into real martial arts.

Here are some good and fair (non hype) documentaries.

Another documentary in the link below.

How Bruce Lee Changed the World

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