I posted this in Modern Arnis & FMA forum as well:
I was just thinking of adding marketing value to FMA, and weapons-based systems. I thinking that just simply looking at the statistics makes the case enough for weapons based training. The statistics are kind of all over the place when trying to find info on weapon use in crimes, but here is the "jist" of some interesting stuff I gathered from the Bureau of Justice Statistics:
- Close to 100% of all murders involve a weapon.
- about 1 out of 3 violent crimes involve a weapon.
- about 2/3 of weapon-based crimes involve something other then a firearm.
So, if someone is going to be murdered, it will most likely be with a weapon.
There is a good chance that a weapon will be involved also, if your attacked at all. These chances greaten or lessen depending on who you are/ and your lifestyle. So consider that violent crimes also include child abuse, domestic violence, and date rape where weapons are most likely to not be involved make up a large % of these crimes. In other words, if your a happily married male/female (for instance), your not suseptipal to domestic violence, child abuse, or "date rape" (your married so you aren't dating), then the chances of a weapon being involved if you are ever victimized is much greater.
Also, most of these weapons that are involved are not firearms, so this brings further value to learning how to handle edged and non-edged weapons, because if you are victimized by a weapon it most likely will not be a gun.
Just some food for thought. Use it if you'd like!
Also, one more thing for all ou knife-jocks: 27% of weapon-based crimes specifically involve a knife! That is knife specifically; other "edged weapons" would go into the "other" category.

I was just thinking of adding marketing value to FMA, and weapons-based systems. I thinking that just simply looking at the statistics makes the case enough for weapons based training. The statistics are kind of all over the place when trying to find info on weapon use in crimes, but here is the "jist" of some interesting stuff I gathered from the Bureau of Justice Statistics:
- Close to 100% of all murders involve a weapon.
- about 1 out of 3 violent crimes involve a weapon.
- about 2/3 of weapon-based crimes involve something other then a firearm.
So, if someone is going to be murdered, it will most likely be with a weapon.
There is a good chance that a weapon will be involved also, if your attacked at all. These chances greaten or lessen depending on who you are/ and your lifestyle. So consider that violent crimes also include child abuse, domestic violence, and date rape where weapons are most likely to not be involved make up a large % of these crimes. In other words, if your a happily married male/female (for instance), your not suseptipal to domestic violence, child abuse, or "date rape" (your married so you aren't dating), then the chances of a weapon being involved if you are ever victimized is much greater.
Also, most of these weapons that are involved are not firearms, so this brings further value to learning how to handle edged and non-edged weapons, because if you are victimized by a weapon it most likely will not be a gun.
Just some food for thought. Use it if you'd like!
Also, one more thing for all ou knife-jocks: 27% of weapon-based crimes specifically involve a knife! That is knife specifically; other "edged weapons" would go into the "other" category.