Bureau of Justice Statistics.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni

Just the facts, ma'am, on crime statistics. For example:

In 26% of the incidents of violent crime, a weapon was present.

Offenders had or used a weapon in 55% of all robberies, compared with 6% of all rapes/sexual assaults in 2000.

Homicides are most often committed with guns, especially handguns. In 1999, 51% of homicides were committed with handguns, 14% with other guns, 13% with knives, 6% with blunt objects, and 16% with other weapons.

In each of 12 cities surveyed in 1998, victims said that less than half of the violent crimes involved a weapon.

From the same page:
In 2000--

Seven urban residents, five suburban residents and five rural residents per 1,000 were victims of an aggravated assault, and urban residents were robbed at about 5 times the rate of rural residents.

Suburban and rural residents were victims of simple assault at similar rates.

There are also statistics on sexual assaults, murder in prison, and many other categories.

Those are the odds, folks, unless your situation is different for some reason (you're a LEO, you live in an especially high-crime area, etc.).
Wow, thanks for the info and the link, very interesting...

Thanks also. Interesting stats: Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!

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