Mark Dacascos on Hawaii 5-0

Yeah, I'm excited about this. Mark's great and Hawaii 5.0 is my top pick for ongoing action TV show at the moment (till Human Target comes back).

I didn't know he did Kaju, I always thought he was a Kung Fu guy.
Yeah, I'm excited about this. Mark's great and Hawaii 5.0 is my top pick for ongoing action TV show at the moment (till Human Target comes back).

I didn't know he did Kaju, I always thought he was a Kung Fu guy.

Yep, 3 ( Chuan Fa, Tum Pai, Wun Hop Kuen Do) of the 4 Kajukenbo branches are kung fu.
If he doesn't shave his head he ain't no Wo Fat!
Besides the "Red Chinese" are no longer our enemies, they're our landlords!

From my childhood - some ORIGINAL Hawaii 5-0 puns:

How fat?

Parody on one of McGarrett's catch phrases:
Book 'em Danno, MURDER ONE!
Danno: But Steve - he's a forger?!?

MAD magazine did an outstanding parody of the original TV series - one of the recurring jokes within this parody was the concept of "product placement" - as in references to another FORD motor vehicle model in the scene.
Just for the record, I chose my username waaaaaay before the new Hawaii 5-0. Just sayin ...
About the product placement. I'm all for it, TV budgets are notoriously low and however else the filmmakers can fill out the budget is fine with me. It looks great and you can see the money invested on the screen. They all drive Chevrolets and the bad guys drive something else (I remember 2 Nissans).

24 season 5 had Toyota, Knight Rider had Ford, just how it works now.
About the product placement. I'm all for it, TV budgets are notoriously low and however else the filmmakers can fill out the budget is fine with me. It looks great and you can see the money invested on the screen. They all drive Chevrolets and the bad guys drive something else (I remember 2 Nissans).

24 season 5 had Toyota, Knight Rider had Ford, just how it works now.