Marine Awarded Medal For Actions


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Read this in todays paper! Certainly worth posting IMHO.,0,5636022.story

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Marine who saved 36 of his comrades' lives during an ambush in Afghanistan was awarded the Medal of Honor on Thursday, the first living Marine to win the highest U.S. military decoration since the Vietnam War.

Sergeant Dakota Meyer, 23, had the light blue ribbon of the Medal of Honor draped around his neck by President Barack Obama at a glittering White House ceremony.

Meyer, a native of Columbia, Kentucky, was part of a U.S. team training Afghan security forces when they were attacked by about 50 insurgents on September 8, 2009, in Kunar province, eastern Afghanistan.

This article doesnt say, but the one in the paper says that he was denied, 4 times, to go to his fellow Marines aid, but went anyways. Good for him! Sadly, 4 of them didn't make it, but had he not went, it probably would've been more.
Ahh...thanks for that link. Missed that other thread. :)