Mark L said:I do live in Mass, and am required to take a firearms safety course to obtain an Firearms ID, necessary to purchase any firearm or ammo. I'm OK with that, but not with the idea of having to pay money before I can exercise my constitutional rights, around $100 in this case. Imagine having to pony up $20 every time you want to exercise free speech, or $50 to invoke your right against illegal search & seizure. Sounds absurd, doesn't it? On the other hand, it is reasonable to expect an expert to be compensated for their time in teaching. I guess I shouldn't complain if I don't have an alternative, but I don't ...
Under the first admendment you can also meet and assemble, yet, many places require you to have a permit, which requires you to register the date and time of your event.
You are still allowed to exercise your rights, and just as you stated reasonable compenation should be in order.