Man sues flower company, saying it ruined his marriage by revealing affair


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A Texas man is suing 1-800-Flowers for $1 million, saying the company is to blame for his pending divorce.

After Leroy Greer's wife filed for divorce in January 2006, he began seeing another woman and sent his new girlfriend a dozen long-stemmed roses. But a few months after the flowers were sent, Greer reconciled with his wife, and she moved back in to his Missouri City home, according to Greer's lawyer, Kennitra Foote.

That was, until his wife received a thank-you note from 1-800-Flowers.

Confused about the purchase, Bernice Greer called the company, and they faxed her the receipt.

"Just wanted to say that I love you and you mean the world to me!" read the greeting from Greer to his girlfriend, whose name and address were included in the receipt for more than $100 in roses.

Bernice Greer promptly moved out again, continued with the divorce and is now asking a court to give her more money because of her husband's now-documented infidelity, according to the lawyer.

Along the bottom of the fax, Greer's wife apparently added her own comment, according to a copy included in the suit. "Be a man!" it began. "If you got caught red handed then don't still lie. Your tmobile has her number so why still lie."
A spokesperson for 1-800-Flowers, Steven Jarmon, declined to answer questions about the case, but e-mailed this statement:

"At 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, we take pride in creating relationships with our customers by recognizing and thanking them for their business," the statement said. "We take all matters relating to our customers seriously; however, we are not responsible for an individual's personal conduct. Beyond this, it is the company's policy not to comment on pending litigation and legal matters."
So let me get this straight (as the actress said to the bishop :D).

They were seperated and she was filing for divorce so he started a relatioship with someone else. Okay, a sure sign that things were on the rocks anyhow but we don't live other peoples lives so how can we know :shrugs:.

He sent the new love in his life a token of how good for him she was during in his stressful time.

The old woman then decides to glue things back together again and moves back with him.

Then the flower incident comes to light and the games off yet again? Despite the fact that they were seperated at the time?!

To put the icing on the cake she now wants even more money because of it because of the 'infidelity' during their seperation - is it just me or does that not add up?

So now the bloke blames the flower company for the breakup of his marriage and is sueing them?!

Where's my sword? I can sort this out very quickly and at very little cost to the tax payer :lol:.
While I wouldn't date a guy who's divorce was still in progress, I don't think it was infidelity in the classic sense if they were separated and filing for divorce...
So let me get this straight (as the actress said to the bishop :D).

They were seperated and she was filing for divorce so he started a relatioship with someone else. Okay, a sure sign that things were on the rocks anyhow but we don't live other peoples lives so how can we know :shrugs:.

He sent the new love in his life a token of how good for him she was during in his stressful time.

The old woman then decides to glue things back together again and moves back with him.

Then the flower incident comes to light and the games off yet again? Despite the fact that they were seperated at the time?!

To put the icing on the cake she now wants even more money because of it because of the 'infidelity' during their seperation - is it just me or does that not add up?

So now the bloke blames the flower company for the breakup of his marriage and is sueing them?!

Where's my sword? I can sort this out very quickly and at very little cost to the tax payer :lol:.
LOL. We think alike.
In today world we are allowed to sue for anything so why not blame somebody else for all your short comings and if you can make a buck or two, it is the American way after all.
Why don't we send this guy flowers and say hey... get over it. If he felt any kind of loyalty to his original wife then he would've stayed faithful until AFTER everything (divorce-wise) is done.

But is it really an affair if they're separated and filing for divorce? What about her? Did she see anyone?

Either way it's pretty stupid. We really should kill all the lawyers like Shakespeare said.
But is it really an affair if they're separated and filing for divorce? What about her? Did she see anyone?

I doubt she even cares. This looks to me like a club she can use to get more money. If a good relationship is what she desired, different steps would have been taken. As it is, most states have no-fault divorces, so she shouldn't get any more money.
It should, maybe, occur to the Flower company that people may be involved in different relationships given that flowers are a typical purchase for a guy whom is in the dog house. I would be pissed.
It should, maybe, occur to the Flower company that people may be involved in different relationships given that flowers are a typical purchase for a guy whom is in the dog house. I would be pissed.
Hah ... oookaaayyy. Sorry, dude but they're not in the business of keeping social secrets, they're in the business of selling flowers. The only secrets they're obligated to keep would be account information. Based on that alone, I'd be upset that they talked to anyone but the purchaser if I were that purchaser.

Otherwise ... if they were separated, they were on a break. But if he lied to his wife telling him nothing happened, THEN he's got a problem.

Whatever - not my life, not my secret.
Hah ... oookaaayyy. Sorry, dude but they're not in the business of keeping social secrets, they're in the business of selling flowers. The only secrets they're obligated to keep would be account information. Based on that alone, I'd be upset that they talked to anyone but the purchaser if I were that purchaser.

Otherwise ... if they were separated, they were on a break. But if he lied to his wife telling him nothing happened, THEN he's got a problem.

Whatever - not my life, not my secret.
Well... they just lost a costomer. LOL
And as for your signature, I work a grave shift and its all good.:)
It should, maybe, occur to the Flower company that people may be involved in different relationships given that flowers are a typical purchase for a guy whom is in the dog house. I would be pissed.

Still, it is not the responsibility of the flower shop to determine the level of relationship. The shop was doing its job, processing the order specifically as he asked, printing the card exactly as requested. Just because the flowers and card went to someone else other than the wife and she saw the receipt is beyond the control of the shop. The shop shouldn't be sued.

- Ceicei
No he ruined his marriage by having the affair. Whats the old adage?If lie down with dogs you can expect to...