michaeledward said:
In North America, Homo Sapiens are the top of the food chain. The only two critters we need to be concerned with are Sharks (I don't go in the water) and Grizzly Bears (saw a nasty story recently)
Although, in late August, I was walking through the woods and damned near tripped over a Moose ... having a moose stand up in front of you in the woods at dawn will certainly get your pulse going ... Moose are BIG! But I wasn't in any danger.
Hi Michael,
Top of the food chain, yes we are. But spend some time camping in northern Montana, you might be convinced to pack some heat. And don't go running at dawn or dusk in the mountains near me, you'll look awfully tempting to a mountain lion. You probably don't need a gun against animals where you live. Do you advocate gun ownership for hunting? Btw, be careful around Moose, they can be dangerous if they feel like messing with you. Impressive animals.
michaeledward said:
The statistics show that guns are dangerous. People get shot, intentionally and otherswise. And I just don't think society is nearly as scary as some describe it.
Perhaps true, but scary things do happen. Read the story from my last post. And accidental shootings can be mitigated by proper safety, care and training.
Y'know, I just don't understand how a martial artist can be anti-gun. In the end it's just another tool in the toolbox for the same means. I'm liberal in every other regard but this one. I just don't get it.
michaeledward said:
Again, in this thread, it seems people are arguing that the homeowner was justified in the shooting. But the bad guy was running away (according to the news report).
We don't know what was happening when the shooting began. We do know one intruder was shot in the face, which means at least his face was turned in the direction of the shooter.
michaeledward said:
So, let's look at this hypothetical, a group of intruders are in my home, I drive up my driveway and they flee ..... How far can I chase them and still be justified in using a weapon?
I don't know the legal answer to this question, but I would think you could threaten with the use of force to detain the criminals, and then use it if they don't comply, tempered with the severity of their offense, of course. That's what the police do, no? Me, personally, I wouldn't shoot anyone in the back--unless they did something truly horrible back in my home.
I didn't infer this "running away" scenario from the story in question. From the ballistic evidence we can assume the burglar/invader/perp was facing him. If the homeowner was using a pistol, which we don't know for sure, he would have had to been pretty close to a relatively stationary target to make this as an aimed shot.