Man hits teacher's aide?


Senior Master
Dec 19, 2004
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What to think of this, folks. Apparently a father, upset about an allegation by his daughter that a teacher's aide molested her, walks in to a classroom and punches him. I'll hold my opinion until I hear someone else's.
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
That man is my hero.

And if the allegation is false? Then what?

As a teacher, I have seen way too many children who have been abused - by parents, by siblings, by other relatives, by other adults such as babysittters. Abuse by a person in a position of trust is truly horrific - and I certainly cannot condemn any person for defending a child - but as bad as our justice system seems to be in many ways, and as many flaws as it shows, if everyone took justice into their own hands in this fashion, our society (such as it is) would rapidly break down into anarchy. Abuse of any person, but most especially a child, is a heinous crime - but committing a second crime to avenge the first does not make the second crime acceptable. In addition, regardless of the outcome of the abuse accusation, the child will now have to deal with her parent's potentially being jailed - and if she was truly abused, then she needs her father's support way more than she needs to know that she was avenged, and now he may not be able to be there for her.
Kacey said:
And if the allegation is false? Then what?

As a teacher, I have seen way too many children who have been abused - by parents, by siblings, by other relatives, by other adults such as babysittters. Abuse by a person in a position of trust is truly horrific - and I certainly cannot condemn any person for defending a child - but as bad as our justice system seems to be in many ways, and as many flaws as it shows, if everyone took justice into their own hands in this fashion, our society (such as it is) would rapidly break down into anarchy. Abuse of any person, but most especially a child, is a heinous crime - but committing a second crime to avenge the first does not make the second crime acceptable. In addition, regardless of the outcome of the abuse accusation, the child will now have to deal with her parent's potentially being jailed - and if she was truly abused, then she needs her father's support way more than she needs to know that she was avenged, and now he may not be able to be there for her.

As a woman who has been molested repeatedly as a child I believe false allegations are extremely rare, kids just don't make that stuff up. If the man was falsely accused he would have faced the father in the meeting to speak for himself not avoid the father. It's common sense. If I was falsely accused of something you can bet I wouldn't be hidiing from the person who accused me but would be there with clarifying details. This kind of thing happens way to much and I'm sick of it. I would have been happy to have a father do that for me.
I have to ask...What was that man doing back in a classroom when allegations were pending on him? Although innocent until proven guilty, the allegations are very serious and he shouldn't be given the opportunity to offend again! I realise the article doesn't say whether children were present or not but, shouldn't he be removed from the school completely until things are figured out?

I understand what Kacey is saying and I agree about not taking things into your own hands, but I can't guarantee that I wouldn't have the same reaction if it were my daughter. My emotions would be running too high.
I think we need to hear more to the story. People who abuse others, especially when it comes to children are sick individuals. However, this guy is going on half of a story. There could have been a reason as to why the teacher was not present at this meeting. Before this guy runs off, takes a swing at someone and then is hailed as a hero, we need to hear the teachers side. Were there witnesses to this touching? This parent states that his daughter does not lie. Well, there is a first time for everything. I certainly see nothing wrong with wanting to protect your child, but there are people out there that think that their kids can do no wrong. Could this teacher have given the student a bad grade, disciplined her for being disruptive during class, etc. and as a result, the student was angry, upset, and fabricated this story as payback?

Again, people who abuse kids should be locked up and never see the light of day, but IMO, there is not enough to go on here.

MJS said:
there is not enough to go on here.


That's true but the article does state they argued before the father punched the teachers aide so there must have been something said that pushed the father over the line. Could be considered the equivalent of a women slapping a man for a crude comment...

It's definitely an emotionally charged situation. As Lisa pointed out, whether the accusations are true or not, the teachers aide should have not been allowed on the premises until an investigation was complete.
MJS said:
I think we need to hear more to the story. People who abuse others, especially when it comes to children are sick individuals. However, this guy is going on half of a story. There could have been a reason as to why the teacher was not present at this meeting. Before this guy runs off, takes a swing at someone and then is hailed as a hero, we need to hear the teachers side. Were there witnesses to this touching? This parent states that his daughter does not lie. Well, there is a first time for everything. I certainly see nothing wrong with wanting to protect your child, but there are people out there that think that their kids can do no wrong. Could this teacher have given the student a bad grade, disciplined her for being disruptive during class, etc. and as a result, the student was angry, upset, and fabricated this story as payback?

Again, people who abuse kids should be locked up and never see the light of day, but IMO, there is not enough to go on here.


Good points Mike. And how does punching the guy help his daughter? The father may very well be the first person she told and consequently a very important witness to proving the case. Now when he is subjected to cross examination, he will be made to look like a hotheaded jacka$$ and that certainly won't help the case.

As much as I understand his feelings, we have laws and a process for a reason. When individuals attempt to mete out justice themselves, it undermines the values our nation was founded on. Our system isn't perfect, but it functions pretty well given the unlimited wants of involved parties tempered by the constraints of the system.
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
That's true but the article does state they argued before the father punched the teachers aide so there must have been something said that pushed the father over the line. Could be considered the equivalent of a women slapping a man for a crude comment...

Yes, it does say that they argued. The article is still one sided, as I have heard no comments from the teacher. The argument could have played out where the parent burst into the classroom in a rage, began swearing at the teacher, the teacher could have told him to get the hell out of his class, and the parent lost it and took a swing. We can play out 1,000 different scenarios, but until we know the facts, its a one-sided story.

It's definitely an emotionally charged situation. As Lisa pointed out, whether the accusations are true or not, the teachers aide should have not been allowed on the premises until an investigation was complete.

Yes, you'd figure that the guy would have been removed from the school ASAP.

Sil Lum TigerLady said:
As a woman who has been molested repeatedly as a child I believe false allegations are extremely rare, kids just don't make that stuff up.

I wouldn't call making up false allegations rare. I work with at-risk kids and these guys lie all of the time. As a rule, most have absolutely no understanding that these lies will come back at them in the future and they will be called to account on the veracity of their statements. Some people live in the "here and now" and if lying gets them what they want "right now" then they will lie.

I'm not suggesting that the majority of people who make allegations of abuse are liars, but I am saying that it is more common then people want to think. And that is why it is important to think first and act later.

The fact that the teacher's aide was still in the classroom is alarming. Usually the policy is such that if an allegation like this is made, the person is removed until its veracity is verified. I wonder if the district already knew something regarding the veracity of the claims...if they didn't and they allowed the person to remain in the classroom, that is a major lawsuit waiting to happen.
Let's assume that the allegations are false. What recourse will the aide have? His name is going to leak out eventually, and his reputation will be spoiled for years. Could this be a case of a 15 year old girl simply having a disagreement with an aide and figuring out a way to get them fired/gone for a while? Perhaps not understanding the gravity of her words?

regardless of the veracity of the claims, they should be investigated, but I'd like to keep tabs on the outcome and see if any punishment is doled out for perjury if the claims prove false... If the claims prove true, I hope he is punished to the full extent of the law!

Did I miss something? Wasn't he put on paid leave? Doesn't that mean he is not on the premises?
I don't know how common false allegations are, but they happen...and it seems to me like the father acted rashly. I can understand his actions, but I wouldn't call him a "hero" at this point.

Most martial artists would consider instigating physical violence in the absence of a current threat to be ethically questionable, I think...however much we can sympathize with the father.
You all are right about confirming the accusation first - I just can't help getting wound up with topics like this. There were definitely mistakes made on both sides of the coin. The father should have controlled himself and the teachers aide should have been removed from the premises during investigation of the allegations. As a parent, and as an abused child, I can just understand the fathers actions - doesn't make it right - I can just relate.

I would hope that children rarely make these claims - I am thinking of the really young ones when I say rare - not considering older kids who are more calculated in playing the system. My bad. Emotions run high. :asian:
Wow, just Wow, as a dad myself with two young daughters 12 and 5 I don’t know for a fact that I would not have punched and kicked then punched again that teachers aid if I were placed in the same situation. My girls are my world and I don’t hesitate to remedy any threat to their well being. But I have to agree with comments made by modarnis—“how does punching the guy help his daughter? The father may very well be the first person she told and consequently a very important witness to proving the case. Now when he is subjected to cross examination, he will be made to look like a hotheaded jacka$$ and that certainly won't help the case.

As much as I understand his feelings, we have laws and a process for a reason. When individuals attempt to mete out justice themselves, it undermines the values our nation was founded on”

As hard as it would be to hold back from removing that person from this Earth any illegal action the father took against the guy in question would be used by the defense person or team of the teacher’s aid in court. In the article is stated that the father was charged with a felony charge. What if they use that as leverage to plea, a lesser charge for the teacher’s aid? How sick would that be if because of my lack of self control this person was able to walk.
As a parent I can surely sympathize with the man emotionally. But I believe there is more to this story than meets the eye. It has been documented many times that in High School the kids have brought forth claims such as this, because they were getting bad grades or they didn't like a teacher or something like that.

If it were that the girl was in elementary school, I would be more inclined to believe that the child would be telling the truth (without any further investigation). However, this is a High School student and by this age, they are not always truthful, no matter the subject or who they are talking to. When a child is very young, I think they are incapable of lying about something like that where when they are older they are capable.

I would be extremely cautious on this one before placing blame! Just my .02 cents worth.
a 15 year old girl, unless there was something wrong with her, should understand the reprocussions of what she was saying.

Legally, it was wrong and he shouldnt have done it.
But I would have done much much worse.
By my interpretation of the article, the daughter told her dad, he punched the guy, and THEN the allegation came out into the open and the Aide has been placed on leave.

This father may have screwed up royally.

There is not enough information to side with the father in this case. Let the courts work, find out the truth, THEN kill the bastard.

As for false allegations - they happen, but so does the abuse. Innocent until proven guilty, I guess.
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
As a woman who has been molested repeatedly as a child I believe false allegations are extremely rare, kids just don't make that stuff up. If the man was falsely accused he would have faced the father in the meeting to speak for himself not avoid the father. It's common sense. If I was falsely accused of something you can bet I wouldn't be hidiing from the person who accused me but would be there with clarifying details. This kind of thing happens way to much and I'm sick of it. I would have been happy to have a father do that for me.
Actualy once a child has dealt with molestation in his or her past it is not uncommon for them to tell again. The teachers aid may have mearly reminded her of that situation inadvertantly. The Father should be dealt with harshly. There is no cause to beat teachers up. That doesn't set a good example for the other students either.
Touch Of Death said:
The teachers aid may have mearly reminded her of that situation inadvertantly.

This is a very real possibility.

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